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© Bielefeld University Library

Subject Portal Chemistry

Departmental Library UHG-I

Map of Departmental Library UHG-I, Area E1

Entrance Area D1
Subject Collection in Area E1

Opening Hours UHG-I

Mon–Fri: 08.00–22.00
Sat, Sun, Public Holidays: 09.00–19.00

Circulation Desk UHG-I

Service Hours: Mon–Fri, 08.00–18.00
Phone: +49 521 106-3414

The DFG funding programme "Specialized Information Services for Science" supports competence centers within the framework of supra-regional literature provision, which, among other things, acquire nationwide licenses for subject-specific electronic information resources. These information resources (journal packages, databases, etc.) are available to members of a discipline according to access criteria specifically agreed with the product providers.

  • An overview of all FIDs can be found at Webis

Specialized information service related to chemistry.

Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI)

Consortia with particular relevance for chemistry:

  • NFDI4Chem: Expert consortium chemistry for the NFDI
  • NFDI4Cat: NFDI for sciences related to catalysis
  • NFDI-MatWerk: National research data infrastructure for materials science and engineering
  • NFDI4Earth: NFDI Consortium for Earth System Research

Important institutions, interest groups and scientific organizations in Germany, Europe and worldwide:

Grey literature (such as research reports, conference reports)

Grey literature from various subject areas in the holdings of the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) as well as general information from the TIB on grey literature:

Teaching materials

  • TIB AV-Portal
    • Videos from various disciplines, more suitable for university teaching and studies




Philipp Dillschneider, PhD

Subject Librarian for Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Physics and Public Health

+49 521 106-6124
UHG E1-140

Doris Köhler

Head of departmental library FB UHG-I: health sciences, biology, chemistry, physics, nutritional sciences, medicine; FB IUB: literature and linguistics

+49 521 106-3417
UHG E1-138

Petra Tummes

Departmental library UHG-I and departmental library IUB

+49 521 106-6122
UHG E1-134

Petra Tummes

Departmental library UHG-I and departmental library IUB

+49 521 106-6122
UHG E1-134
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