Entrance and Subject Collection in Area V1
Opening Hours UHG-II
Mon–Fri: 08.00–01.00
Sat, Sun, Public Holidays: 09.00–22.00
Circulation Desk UHG-II
Service Hours: Mon–Fri, 08.00–18.00
Phone: +49 521 106-3797
The DFG funding programme "Specialized Information Services for Science" supports competence centers within the framework of supra-regional literature provision, which, among other things, acquire nationwide licenses for subject-specific electronic information resources. These information resources (journal packages, databases, etc.) are available to members of a specialist discipline according to access criteria specifically agreed with the product providers.
Which products have been licensed for the mathematics community so far and how they can be accessed can be viewed at the following URL:
Christoph Broschinski
Subject Librarian for mathematics and computer science
Mareike Amsbeck
Head of departmental library FB UHG-II: Mathematics, Law, Computer Science,
Economics, Psychology, Educational Science, Sports Science, Music