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© Bielefeld University Library

Subject Portal Mathematics

Departmental Library UHG-II

Map of Departmental Library UHG-II, Area V1

Entrance and Subject Collection in Area V1

Opening Hours UHG-II

Mon–Fri: 08.00–01.00
Sat, Sun, Public Holidays: 09.00–22.00

Circulation Desk UHG-II

Service Hours: Mon–Fri, 08.00–18.00
Phone: +49 521 106-3797

The DFG funding programme "Specialized Information Services for Science" supports competence centers within the framework of supra-regional literature provision, which, among other things, acquire nationwide licenses for subject-specific electronic information resources. These information resources (journal packages, databases, etc.) are available to members of a specialist discipline according to access criteria specifically agreed with the product providers.

Which products have been licensed for the mathematics community so far and how they can be accessed can be viewed at the following URL:

  • DML: Digital Mathematics Library (Uni Bielefeld)
    Records of thousands of digitized mathematical books and journals
  • The Electronic Library of Mathematics
    The Electronic Library of Mathematics contains online journals, article collections, monographs, and other electronic resources in the field of mathematics. All material is in electronic form and access is generally free, except for some periodicals with a "moving wall", i.e., a certain delay period after which resources become freely available.
  • BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
    Our scientific search engine BASE also contains freely accessible documents from the field of mathematics
  • EULER Search Engine: Portal to Mathematics Publications
    The database lists books, articles, preprints etc. from pure and applied mathematics, some with links to full texts. It currently contains test data from the Zentralblatt MATH, the Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik (ERAM) and library holdings from Amsterdam, Florence and Göttingen.
  • ArXiv Mathematics
    Front-end to the approx. 30 mathematics archives of


Christoph Broschinski

Subject Librarian for mathematics and computer science

+49 521 106-3971
UHG A1-226

Mareike Amsbeck

Head of departmental library FB UHG-II: Mathematics, Law, Computer Science,
Economics, Psychology, Educational Science, Sports Science, Music

+49 521 106-4728
UHG V1-131

Stefan Kükenshöner

Departmental library UHG-II

+49 521 106-4975
UHG V1-236

Jürgen Lange

Departmental library UHG-II

+49 521 106-86576
UHG U1-131

Stefan Kükenshöner

Departmental library UHG-II

+49 521 106-4975
UHG V1-236
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