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    © Bielefeld University Library

Subject Portal Business and Economics

Departmental Library UHG-II

Map of Departmental Library UHG-II, Area V1

Entrace Area U1
Subject Collection in Area V1

Opening Hours UHG-II

Mon–Fri: 08.00–01.00
Sat, Sun, Public Holidays: 09.00–22.00

Circulation Desk UHG-II

Service Hours: Mon–Fri, 08.00–18.00
Phone: +49 521 106-3797

  • Leibniz Information Centre for Economics – ZBW
    The ZBW, with its locations in Kiel and Hamburg, is the world's largest specialist library for economics. As the Leibniz Information Center for Economics, it performs the tasks of a specialist information service.
  • EconBiz
    EconBiz is a virtual library for economics, which offers a comprehensive research portal for searching in important national and international economic databases. EconBiz is a service of the German National Library of Economics (ZBW).
  • Resources for Economists on the Internet
    RFE is an extensive collection of links in English from the American Economic Association.

You can find a complete list of the databases under this link: DBIS

TOP offers (a selection)

  • Web of Science / Social Sciences Citation Index
    Article database covering all areas of the social sciences, including the natural science-oriented neighbouring disciplines of social medicine and psychology.
  • EconLit
    EconLit records economic publications since 1969 and is compiled by the American Economic Association. Important journals are analyzed, as well as collected works (from 1984) and dissertations (from 1987).
  • EconBiz
    EconBiz is a research portal for economics. It offers, among other things, a literature search in important German and international economic databases, including the holdings of the ZBW and further title references of free and licensed full texts on the Internet.

You can find a complete list of fact databases under this link: DBIS

TOP offers (a selection)

  • OECD iLibrary
    The OECD iLibrary is the OECD's online library. It provides access to all OECD studies and statistics and is one of the largest collections of data and analyses on the economy, society and the environment.   
  • Nexis Uni
    contains data from news, company and legal sources. Users can search all sources via one interface and personalize their search with alerts, saved searches and other functions.
  • Refinitiv Workspace (Eikon) (incl. DataStream)
    available to researchers, teachers and students of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics. Financial market data, economic figures and news can be researched and extracted in this database.

    Applying for access:

    Researchers in the economic sciences can apply for licenses for projects and research plans. Please send an informal application for access to the database by email to: To set up access, we need your name, e-mail address, telephone number and the desired period of use of the database.
    We also grant temporary licenses to students of economics for research in the course of writing their Bachelor's, seminar or Master's theses. Please enter your name, your student e-mail address, the purpose (Master's thesis, Bachelor's thesis), the chair, the name of the supervisor and the expected duration of use.

  • WISO incl. Business Practice Module (with daily press)
    WISO offers journals and e-books for the subject areas of economics, as well as the business practice module with press articles, company information and market data.

Platforms for freely accessible scientific publications / data:

  • RePEc
    World's largest collection of economics working papers, journal articles and software.
  • SSRN – Social Science Research Network
    comprises a constantly growing, extensive collection of discussion / research papers. The scientists themselves actively participate in the network with their research focuses and results. In addition to a lot of free content, there is also paid content that requires a subscription, especially for institutional use.
  • Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
    BASE is one of the largest multidisciplinary scientific search engines in the world. Around 60% of the documents are freely accessible in the sense of Open Access. BASE evaluates, for example, RePEc (Research Papers in Economics), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and
  • KonsortSWD
    offers a search for social and economic data in most of the research data centres accredited by the German Data Forum (RatSWD).


Dr. Johanna Vompras

Subject librarian for business and economics, earth sciences

+49 521 106-4731
UHG V1-141

Mareike Amsbeck

Head of departmental library FB UHG-II: Mathematics, Law, Computer Science,Economics, Psychology, Educational Science, Sports Science, Music

+49 521 106-4728
UHG V1-131

Stefan Kükenshöner

Departmental library UHG-II

+49 521 106-4975
UHG V1-236

Jürgen Lange

Departmental library UHG-II

+49 521 106-86576
UHG U1-131
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