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Bielefelder IT-Servicezentrum

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Glasfaserkabel in einem Rechenzentrum
© Universität Bielefeld | BITS


A wiki is a web-based tool for building and editing text collections (see https://de.wikipe Special attention is paid to the linking of the contents among each other (hypertext) and the traceability of changes (versioning).

BITS enables faculties and departments at Bielefeld University to operate their own wikis. The software "MediaWiki", which is also used by the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, serves as a basis.

Scope of services

BITS provides standard wiki instances based on MediaWiki.

The service is run on redundant web servers secured by HTTPS. The data generated by the users is stored in a redundant database. Both the servers and the database are backed up daily.

Files of the following formats or file extensions can be uploaded to a wiki: PNG (.png), JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg), GIF (.gif), WebP (.webp), PDF (.pdf), PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx), Word (.doc, .docx) and Excel (.xsl, .xlsx).


Two properties must be defined for each wiki.

Can the wiki only be used within the campus network of the university or worldwide?

Can the wiki only be read by authorized users, or is anonymous reading access also possible?

Writing access is always only possible for registered users* who also have the right "write permission" (see below application).

Deployment times

Approx. 2 to 3 business days after request.


Target group

  • Employees


  • BITS account, web authentication separate wiki permissions


New wiki-instance

A new wiki instance can be requested from the Service Desk (see Support). The following information will be requested:

  • Name of the wiki instance (should be meaningful but compact at the same time, then becomes<abbrev>)
  • UniID of owner of the wiki and substitute (can authorize additional users via PRISMA)
  • Range and access (see under options) ​

Access to an existing wiki-instance

  • Read permission: If access (see under Options) is restricted to the wiki, the user can view the wiki.
  • Write permission: The user may edit pages in the wiki and create new pages.
  • Administrative permission: The user has more extensive administrative rights in the wiki. This permission does not include read or write permission, which may have to be ordered additionally.

If the right "Administrative authorization" is assigned, the corresponding users are authorized to use the PRISMA rights mentioned above. If this right is not assigned, the owner of the Wiki can approve PRISMA rights.

Duty to cooperate

The owner of the Wiki is obliged to regularly check the Wiki for illegal content and to take appropriate measures if necessary. The users of the Wiki are obliged to comply with the corresponding legal regulations.


Service Desk
Mo.–Fr. 08:00–16:00 h
Tel.: 0521 106-6000


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