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© Bielefeld University | BITS




Calendar integration

Personal calendar
The personal calendar is automatically provided by the personal mailbox during integration via an Exchange/ActivSync client (see above).

Integrate calendar under Thunderbird/Lightning

Share calendar
Share calendars


Subscribe to shared calendars
Subscribe to calendars under Outlook
Subscribe to calendars under Webmail
Subscribe to calendars on Android
Subscribe to calendars on Thunderbird/Lightning
Subscribe to calendars on iOS
Subscribe to calendars on MacOS

Calendar FAQs

Special Instructions
FlexWork Calendar using Exchange/Outlook.pdf

Address book integration

The global address book is automatically provided by the personal mailbox during integration via an Exchange/ActivSync client (see above).

Integrating the address book in Thunderbird


Frequently asked questions (FAQ):


Screenshot from the PRISMA portal
Screenshot from the PRISMA portal

The BITS user name and password are required to download and use the Secure Client.

In PRISMA, you can look up the user name and change the corresponding password yourself. In the "Change passwords" menu, this is the "Network access" entry.

If this entry is not available, please contact the responsible IT support (students to, employees to their own IT support).

Error messages

The server address is not entered. As can be seen in the image, must be entered in the field.

This error message appears if an incorrect VPN server or the VPN server is entered incorrectly. Ensure that the university VPN server is entered correctly or enter it again manually to be on the safe side:

There are usually two reasons for this problem under Windows.

(1) A client firewall prevents the Internet connection. As a rule, the VPN connection or Secure Client must be allowed.

(2) Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) is active and prevents the Secure Client from establishing a connection. To deactivate ICS, proceed as follows:

  • Start → Control Panel → Network and Internet → Network and Sharing Centre → Change adapter settings
  • Right-click on the network connection used (WLAN connection or Ethernet) → Properties
  • Switch off Internet connection sharing in the "Sharing" tab

In this case, there is a problem loading the required programme settings. In this case, the following procedure usually helps.


Uninstall the Cisco Secure Client.

Delete all files in the following directories. Enter the paths directly in the address bar of the Explorer, as these may be hidden.

  • C:\%userprofile%\appdata\local\Cisco
  • C:\%ProgramData%\Cisco\Cisco Secure Client
  • and the "Cisco" folder in C:\Program Files\ or C:\Program Files (x86)

Then reinstall the Secure Client.



Uninstall the Secure Client.

Delete the "profile" folder in the /opt/cisco/secure client path.

This folder may be hidden on the hard drive. However, this folder can be found and accessed by searching for "opt".

Then reinstall the Secure Client.

"Secure Client cannot be installed on this drive. Version x.y.z of the Cisco Secure Client is already installed."

Due to a previous installation, there are still components on the Mac, even if no programme is visible.


  • Open the Terminal programme.
  • Enter the command sudo pkgutil --forget or sudo pkgutil --forget confirm with Enter.

  • If necessary, enter the Mac's password.

  • Close the terminal.

  • Carry out the installation again.

Error message Secure Client.

This error message under macOS appears if access for the VPN client has not been activated after installation or update.


Allow access for Cisco Secure Client Client in the settings under "General > Login objects".


There is usually one of two causes for this problem.

(1) The problem may have to do with the function of the Windows shared Internet connection. Check the following:

  • Control Panel > Start Network and Sharing Centre
  • For the LAN connection network adapter, open the properties dialogue via right mouse button > Properties. Now click on the "Sharing" tab and remove any tick next to "Allow other users on the network to use this computer connection as an Internet connection". Click OK.
  • Repeat for the wireless network adapter (if available).

(2) A client firewall prevents the Internet connection. As a rule, the VPN connection or Secure Client must be allowed.

The previous Cisco VPN Client supports the so-called "Start Before Logon" feature. "Start Before Logon" establishes the VPN connection to the university network before the Windows registration takes place. Normally, this feature is not required; it is only important if the Windows registration is to take place via an ActiveDirectory server within the university.
IMPORTANT: "Start Before Logon" is not supported by the Secure Client!

If, in addition to the VPN connection to Bielefeld University, other VPN connections to other departments are to be used (e.g. Fernuni Hagen), then in the Secure Client connection window to the left of "Connect" the name

must be overwritten with the server name of the corresponding department. If the connection is successful, the new name will be saved and will also appear in the selection list the next time.


If a VPN connection is established, the system first checks whether a newer Secure Client version is available. If this is the case, the software upgrade is carried out automatically.



1) On click the Registration option.

2) Then select Bielefeld University below Select organisation.

3) You will be redirected to the login page for web applications at Bielefeld University. Enter the BITS-Loginname and the web password there.

4) The requested data of the sciebo service will be displayed for checking. Confirm this with Accept.

5) In the following, among others, the valid login name and the address (URL) for calling the sciebo server are displayed. After defining a password and confirming the terms of use, the registration can be completed with Register now for sc iebo.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

It is the password that is used for many services (electronic course catalogue (ekvv), PRISMA, Moodle, ...).

If this is not (or no longer) known, it can be reset via

Which data may be stored in sciebo is determined by the regulations on information security. The decentralised IT supervision or the IT security officer will answer any questions, for example regarding the determination of protection requirements.

sciebo does not have a data backup, i.e. the data stored here is not backed up by the continuous creation of backup copies. However, the storage systems are very well protected against data loss by technical measures. Data that you have accidentally overwritten or deleted yourself can usually be restored via the recycle bin in the web interface or on your local system or via the versioning function. However, this level of protection is not comparable to a classic backup. Not least for this reason, business data should continue to be stored primarily on the university's network drives. Data with high protection requirements may only be stored on these network drives. Further regulations on information security here.

There are a variety of ways to store, synchronize or share data with others:

  • Web interface via

Furthermore there are clients for the following operating systems:

  • Windows
  • Mac OS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

Download the different ones from the clients.

Currently, desktop clients cannot sync files that contain a colon in the file name. Currently, the only workaround is to rename the affected data and replace the colon with another character.

Deleted files are initially stored in sciebo's own recycle bin. This can be viewed via the web interface under "Deleted files".

If a file was overwritten by a newer version of the file, sciebo saves both versions of the file. These can also be called up via the web interface (three-point option > Details > Versions).

Employees are allowed to increase the storage space. This is possible even via My.Sciebo. There under "Increase account > volume".

Why can't I find some staff, people when sharing data?

The most common cause is that staff, people with whom the data is to be shared, have registered but have not yet made an initial registration on the web interface (
Only with this registration the account is activated in Sciebo.

In the case of guests or staff, people from other departments, a nightly check of the address books must also be waited for.


Guest accounts can be created via the my.sciebo portal. The guests are entered with an e-mail address. This is only possible with addresses that do not belong to one of the participant institutions (e.g., Detailed instructions can be found on the sciebo help page.

To access sciebo comfortably from other applications via WebDAV, the following address must be specified

Further instructions

-> On



[1] A distinction is made between normal, high and very high protection requirements. Which category the data falls into depends on its confidentiality, integrity and availability requirements. The template for categorising data can be downloaded here .

[2] The IT supervision team can provide support with technical questions about encryption.

[3] Sciebo is technically designed so that the data can be synchronised on any number of IT devices. This is practical in everyday working life but can jeopardise the security of the data, e.g. through security gaps on or the loss of IT devices. For this reason, data with very high security requirements is not suitable for Sciebo.


How-to for SophosHome (on



Instructions are available on the campus support portal at:

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