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Backup and restore files

Users can independently restore lost data from the network drive from the backup.
One exception is the "WWW" folder, whose contents cannot be restored using this procedure.

All network drives are backed up centrally several times a day using so-called snapshot technology. The data backed up in this way is kept for six weeks, at the following intervals:

  • 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. hourly version (at night, the last of these remains).
  • One version per week
  • After 6 weeks without processing, only one version is available.

In the following description, the file "7.1-Passwort-aendern.pdf" will be restored as an example.


Via "right mouse button > Properties" data of the marked network drive can be restored.


The Previous Versions tab displays all available backups of the respective network drive.


First you have to decide from which backup (modification date) the data should be restored.

After selecting the appropriate entry, choose Open.

The network drive opens in a new window with the status of the selected date.


The file you are looking for (7.1-Passwort-aendern.pdf) is present in this backup.


With a right click you can copy the file (1).

Then switch to the actual network drive (2).


Here you paste the file copied from the backup, right click > Paste.


The file 7.1-Passwort-aendern.pdf is now available again on the network drive.

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