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Disadvantage compensation

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For more information on what Disadvantage compensation may look like in individual cases, please visit the Office of Judicial Affairs page under Requirements for Applying for Disadvantage Compensation.

What is Disadvantage compensation?

In order to create a comparable study and examination situation for students with disabilities, chronic or mental illness, it is possible for those affected to receive Disadvantage compensation. The aim is to ensure that disadvantages in academic achievements caused by disabilities are compensated for appropriately. The principles of Disadvantage compensation and equal treatment must always be weighed against each other.


How do I apply for Disadvantage compensation?

The application must be submitted to the disadvantage compensation representative of the respective Faculty as early as possible, but at least 3 weeks before the examination. For this purpose, the form for Disadvantage compensation (PDF) must be filled out and signed by the attending physician. The completed form must then be sent to the relevant examination office. The completed form must then be sent to the disadvantage compensation representative by post or email. The Examination Office must also be informed each semester in which course and at what time an examination is to be taken.


Forms of Disadvantage Compensation

Possible forms of Disadvantage compensation are for example:

  • Extension of the writing time for an exam or seminar paper
  • Extension of the processing time by the amount of time actually spent on breaks
  • Provision of technical aids
  • Modification of practical or laboratory activities
  • Examinations in separate rooms with own supervision
  • Permission of the use of personal assistance

The application for Disadvantage compensation is made at the examination offices of the respective Faculties.

If you have any questions about Disadvantage compensation, you are welcome to make an appointment with us for a ZAB consultation.

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