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    © ZAB - Bielefeld University

Skills in study

Students sitting in Lecture Hall
© ZAB - Bielefeld University

Bielefeld University offers a wide range of programs that enable students to acquire skills that promote successful study.

Skills are understood as competencies, abilities or abilities. For example, this can mean self-organization, which is very important in studying, or effective handling of scientific literature. Getting to know working or writing techniques and finding the right one for the individual is also relevant in this context in order to master exams, presentations or homework and theses.

Especially for students with disabilities, chronic or mental illnesses, who often have to manage an increased amount of time in everyday life, as well as additional appointments, such skills can be helpful. Because these skills can help to manage a study more time- and resource-saving.

For this reason, we would like to briefly introduce the following services for students at Bielefeld University.


Skills comprises various programmes that help students to develop and improve their writing, learning and presentation skills. There are individual or group offers as well as online workshops and counselling, among others.

The various workshops and offers are diverse and can be booked via the electronic course catalogue (ekvv).

Students can use a contact form to register directly for writing consultations as well as consultations on learning and time and self-management.

Students can also contact Peer Learning by email.

Writing Centre

The Writing Centre supports students with questions and uncertainties about writing seminar papers or essays or about how to deal with professional literature. It offers workshops and self-study materials, individual writing advice, and online writing meetings for all phases of study.

End track consulting

For students in higher semesters who are studying beyond the standard period of study and would like support, Endspurt counseling can be a way to find assistance.

Counseling topics may include:

  • Decision-making difficulties: Continue studies or drop out?
  • Work difficulties (procrastination, self- and time management, work techniques, ...)
  • Obstacles or difficulties in studying (e.g. personal crises, financial problems, etc.)
  • Resumption of studies after interruption
  • Exam nerves or speech anxiety
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