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Accessibility Services

Logo der ZAB, bunte Kreise mit Schriftzug Zentrale Anlaufstelle Barrierefrei
Campus of Bielefeld University
© Bielefeld University

Assistive technologies and tools

Student writes on Braille keyboard
© ZAB - Bielefeld University

The ZAB maintains its own pool of assistive devices and thus makes an active contribution to the technical support of students and employees with disabilities, chronic or mental illness.


Auxiliary pool

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Lending and testing of aids at the ZAB

The ZAB is happy to advise on the selection and application of auxiliary aids.


Braille keyboard on PC
© ZAB - Bielefeld University

The ZAB supports employees and trainees with disabilities, chronic-somatic and chronic-psychological illnesses in selecting and applying for suitable portable aids.

Portable aids or assistive technologies include, for example, noise protection headphones, mobile inductive hearing systems or the free ZAB app UniMaps. Permanently installed work aids can be lifting devices, pollen protection grids, monitor swivel arms and much more.

At the ZAB, various aids and assistive technologies can be tested and, if necessary, temporarily borrowed. In this way, the individually suitable aid can be found and the sometimes long application period with the responsible cost units can be bridged.

Aids to compensate for visual impairments

Long stick on guide system for the blind
© ZAB - Bielefeld University
  • Papenmeier BRAILLEX EL 80s
  • VisioBook from the company Baum
  • Steller Pocket II incl. Steller HK-5 camera, 2x Steller battery P6,4", Steller power adapter Pocket P6,4" 12V DC/2000mA and power supply, battery charger for Pocket battery P6,4", multifunction bag Pocket P6,4"
  • Enhanced Vision Acrobat HD Ultra, incl. stand and bag
  • 2x monitor swivel arms
  • monocular 4,2x12 from the company Eschenbach
  • electronic magnifier Mano with a 3,5" TFT screen from the company Reinecker
  • reading wand from the company Eschenbach
  • Steller V-Tab with Windows 8.1, Steller HD mini camera and Steller TK6 camera
  • Bluetooth large character keyboard
  • Long stick
  • UniMaps

Mobile inductive listening systems

In the premises of the ZAB and at events in rooms without a permanently installed inductive hearing system, it is possible to use mobile inductive hearing systems.

Hearing aid users or implant wearers may have the option of applying for their own individual aids from the health insurance fund or, if necessary for study or work, from the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe. The ZAB will be happy to advise you on this by individual arrangement.

At Bielefeld University, it is also possible to borrow the appropriate aids, such as mobile induction loops, microphones or induction loop receivers. If you are interested in testing or borrowing devices and if you have any questions, please contact us(!

Attention: In order to use these aids, the hearing aids or the processors of the implants must have an activated T-coil!


Aids to compensate for hearing impairments

The university also has 5 mobile inductive listening system sets from Beyerdynamic.

Aids to compensate for mobility restrictions

  • height adjustable bar tables
  • Wheelchair
  • UniMaps

Important: In order to use these aids, the hearing aids or the processors of the implants must have an activated T-coil.

Further information:

The university has mobile inductive hearing systems from the company Beyerdynamic, which can also be borrowed via the equipment loan service.

If required, employees can apply to the AGUS staff office for VDU workplace glasses.

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