The Laborschule Research Unit is a research institution of the Faculty of Educational Science at Bielefeld University. It closely cooperates with the experimental school Laborschule.
Together with the experimental school, the Research Unit dedicates itself to researching, developing and evaluating new learning goals, teaching contents, teaching methods, learning processes, procedures of performance development and assessment as well as organisational concepts with regard to teaching and learning at primary level and at lower secondary level. This research is carried out in cooperation with the Faculty of Educational Science and other faculties and institutions at Bielefeld University.
Dr. phil. Johanna Gold
Jan Wilhelm Dieckmann
Dr. Christian Timo Zenke
Stellvertretender Wissenschaftlicher Leiter
Yannik Wilke
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Dipl. Päd. Dominik Zentarra
Britta Cerulla
FEP Lernumgebungen
FEP Gemeinsames Lernen unter EINEM Dach
Nicole Freke
Dr. Sabine Geist
Didaktische Leiterin
Ulrich Hartmann
stellv. Schulleiter
Holger Knerndel
Abteilungsleiter Sek. I