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Bielefeld School of Public Health

AG 5: Department of Health Economics and Health Management 

© Universität Bielefeld

Department 5 - Health Economics and Health Management

© Universität Bielefeld

Since 2005, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Greiner has led the Department of Health Economics and Health Management (AG 5) at the Bielefeld School of Public Health. The AG 5 team is made up of economists and health researchers, and currently includes 10 research staff and several student and research assistants.

We dedicate ourselves to questions surrounding health economics and management in healthcare. Specifically, our research focuses on health economics evaluations and modeling, quality of life measurements, eHealth , and issues surrounding the management of health facilities. Another of our research areas is the conception and evaluation of new forms of care, e.g. digital applications for the improvement of drug safety and drug supply . In the area of quality of life research, the Chair of Health Economics and Health Management is one of the leading institutes in Germany. Thus, Prof. Greiner is substantially involved in the development and improvement of methodologies, adaptation and validation, and the valuation-studies of multiple versions of the EQ-5D quality of life questionnaire (EuroQol).

Through his memberships in the German Advisory Council on the Assessment of Developments in the Health Care System, the scientific advisory boards of the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, the supervisory board of The Medical Center for Health in Bad Lippspringe GmbH, and as the former Chair of The German Society for Health Economics (dggö), Prof. Dr. Greiner has established a strong network in politics, health economics and science.

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