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Degree-Seeking Students

Campus at Bielefeld university
© Bielefeld university

Enrolment for International Applicants

Which Case Applies to You?

To submit the evidence

Screenshot: Document upload in the application and status portal
Screenshot: Document upload in the application and status portal

First you apply for your enrolment online in the application and status portal. Directly afterwards, you can use the document upload to upload the PDF files.

It is imperative that you observe the enrolment deadline stated in the admission notice! If you miss the enrolment deadline, the admission will lose its validity and the place will be reallocated.

Documents uploaded as part of the online application may have to be uploaded again for enrolment.

Documents in German or English are accepted. Documents in other languages must additionally be accompanied by an official translation.

Below you will find an overview of the documents that must be provided for enrolment

Proof of university entrance qualification

As a rule, the high school diploma. If you do not have a general or subject-specific university entrance qualification, then e.g. proof of a university degree. The Fachhochschulreife does not entitle the holder to study at Bielefeld University.

Proof of health insurance

The proof of health insurance required for enrollment is provided via the new electronic student registration procedure of the statutory health insurance companies.

Please request the registration "M10" for Bielefeld University from your statutory health insurance company; the sender number of Bielefeld University required for the registration procedure is H0000644. Your insurance confirmation will then be sent to us electronically.

If you do not have statutory health insurance, please contact any German statutory health insurance company. In this case, too, an "M10" notification to the university is required, confirming that you are not covered by a statutory health insurance.

Paper health insurance certificates or insurance cards are not sufficient for enrolment.

Proof of health insurance is not required for enrolment in the phd, doctorate .

Scan of passport/ID card

Scan of the page of the passport with personal data and passport photo or scan of the ID card

General consent

If applicable, for applications from minors

Download of the general consent incl. explanation

Language certificate

If applicable, proof of language proficiency (DSH, TestDaF, Sprachdiplom, etc.) if the university entrance qualification was acquired at a non-German-speaking department.

Further information on language admission requirements

APS Certificate

If applicable for applicants from India, China, Vietnam. In addition to the PDF upload, the original must also be submitted to the Studierendensekretariat [Student Office].

Certificate of exmatriculation

If applicable, certificate of exmatriculation from the previous university in the case of previous university studies.

Classification notice

If applicable, placement certificate of the respective faculty.

➥ More information for application for a higher subject semester

Observe the information in the notices!

If necessary, further information in the admission or access notice must be observed!

Master degree programmes

Enrolment in master's degree programmes requires additional documents:

  • In addition, proof of Bachelor's degree or proof of completed university studies.
  • If the bachelor's degree certificate is not yet available at the time of enrolment/change of degree programme to the master's programme, proof of passing the bachelor's degree from the examination office (4.0 certificate, provisional proof of passing, etc.) is sufficient. In this case, the Bachelor's certificate must be submitted later in the current semester.
  • Complete transcript and/or Diploma Supplement
  • If applicable, further information in the admission or access notification must be observed!

PhD, doctorate

Enrolment in phd, doctorate degree programmes requires additional credentials:

  • Additionally, application for enrolment (except for medicine); proof of relevant completed university studies (Bachelor, Master).
  • In addition, proof of acceptance as doctoral student from the faculty with a note from the faculty that your German language skills are sufficient or not required for the phd, doctorate.
  • If necessary, further information in the admission or access notification must be observed!

How to submit the documents

Submit the required documents to the Studierendensekretariat [Student Office](International Applications and Admissions Office) via the contact form.

Documents in German or English are accepted. Documents in other languages must additionally be accompanied by an official translation.

Application for enrollment

About the enrolment wizard

For enrolment in language courses, the enrolment application form is provided by the International Applications and Admissions Office of the Studierendensekretariat [Student Office] upon submission of the language course registration.

Scan of passport/ID card

Scan of the page of the passport with personal data and passport photo or scan of the ID card

Proof of health insurance

The proof of health insurance required for enrolment is provided via the new electronic student registration procedure of the statutory health insurance companies.

Please request the registration "M10" for Bielefeld University from your statutory health insurance company; the sender number of Bielefeld University required for the registration procedure is H0000644. Your insurance confirmation will then be sent to us electronically.

If you do not have statutory health insurance, please contact any German statutory health insurance company. In this case, too, an "M10" notification to the university is required, confirming that you are not covered by a statutory health insurance.

Paper health insurance certificates or insurance cards are not sufficient for enrolment.

Proof of health insurance is not required for enrolment in language courses or phd, doctorate.

Observe the information in the notices!

If necessary, further information in the admission or access notice must be observed!

Frequently Asked Questions About File Upload

Meine PDF-Datei ist zu groß! Wie kann ich sie verkleinern?

  • Große Bilder bzw. Einbettung großer Bilddateien vermeiden
  • Ggf. Dokument in mehrere PDF-Dateien aufteilen
  • Adobe Online-Tool zur Kompression verwenden:

Die maximale Größe für PDF-Uploads beträgt 5 MB.

Wie kann ich mehrere PDF-Dokumente zusammenfügen?

Adobe Online-Tool zum Zusammenfügen:

Welche Dateitypen kann ich hochladen?

Es ist nur der Upload von PDF-Dateien gestattet.

Wie soll ich die Dateien benennen?

Im Idealfall wählen Sie eine informative Dateienbezeichnung, die sowohl ihren vollständigen Namen, als auch Informationen zum Inhalt der PDF enthält. Wenn Sie bereits an der Universität Bielefeld eingeschrieben sind, verwenden Sie gerne Ihre Matrikelnummer anstelle des Namens. Zum Beispiel: „Mustermensch-Alex_Abiturzeugnis.pdf“ oder „2118879_Transkript_BA-Zeugnis.pdf

Ich habe eine falsche Datei hochgeladen! Was nun?

Solange Sie einen Bewerbungsantrag mit den Dokumenten noch nicht eingereicht haben, können Sie über die Auswahl „Antrag bearbeiten“ auf der Antrags-Übersichtsseite zurück an die entsprechende Stelle im Antrag springen und die hochgeladene Datei über das „X“ löschen und eine neue Datei hochladen.

Sobald Sie einen Bewerbungsantrag mit den entsprechenden hochgeladenen Dateien eingereicht haben, können Sie selbst keine Änderung mehr vornehmen. Kontaktieren Sie in diesem Fall das Studierendensekretariat mit Anlage der entsprechenden Datei.

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