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Work Package "Diversity & Inclusion"

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Work Package 3

'Diversity & Inclusion'

One of the three cornerstones of NEOLAiA is 'Diversity and Inclusion'. The main task in the work package of the same name is the conception and design of the so-called D&I NEOcharter, a charter with D&I values and guidelines, for which best practice examples (D&I NEObest) are collected and made available in a database at.In addition, employees (D&I NEOstaff) and pupils (D&I NEOmentors) of the alliance universities are trained and three to four events are organised annually at each alliance university (D&I NEOlife). In addition, all other work packages are advised in order to support sustainable D&I measures (D&I NEOad). In addition, a more inclusive metaverse is being created under the leadership of the University of Nicosia.

  • Align and establish a set of common D&I values and principles within the Alliance, based on European guidelines, by creating a common framework (Task 3.1 NEOcharter);
  • Sustainable implementation of the NEO Charter within the Alliance through continuous improvement and reflection on current best practices by mapping NEOLAiA's current D&I practices in terms of removing barriers in different dimensions as defined by EU policy (Task 3.2 NEObest);
  • Improve the skills of NEOLAiA stakeholders (students, researchers, faculty and staff) in addressing barriers to participation and inclusion through training to empower especially underrepresented (student) groups suffering from these barriers (Task 3.3 NEOstaff and Task 3.4 NEOmentors);
  • Bring D&I to life on campus and beyond by reaching out to our communities through a combined offering of lifelong learning content on sustainable D&I principles and practices for underrepresented groups suffering from regionally identified barriers to participation (Task 3.5 NEOlife);
  • Advise all Alliance stakeholders on how to sustain effective D&I practices (D&I NEOad) across WP activities and throughout the life of the project by providing D&I orientation and implementation practices, training, and certification (Task 3.4) as a cross-structural commitment of the Alliance (Task 3.6).
  • Educate users on the importance of D&I in the metaverse and how to promote a culture of respect and tolerance in the digital space.

														Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt

Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt

Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Diversity and Society

														Dr. Amelie Labusch

Dr. Amelie Labusch

Research assistant in NEOLAiA

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