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International Profile

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
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Our Claim

Bielefeld University ...

  • considers itself a social space of reflection, characterised by international exchange and cultural tolerance.
  • is a top location in a number of research fields with high international visibility, relevance, and attraction for researchers from abroad

The hallmark of Bielefeld University is consistently anchoring internationalisation in all of its fields of activity.

Bielefeld University welcomes several hundred visiting scholars and students from around the world every year, including some vulnerable and refugee researchers whom the university supports through its “Scholars at Risk Network”, as well as refugee prospective and current students.

A number of cooperation programmes, English and multilingual degree programmes, double degree programmes, and “International Track” degree programmes prepare domestic and international students and “junior scholars” for the international job market.

Transcending Boundaries

Research at the Highest International Level

Transcending Boundaries represents the Bielefeld principle of practised and comprehensive interdisciplinarity. Crossing boundaries between disciplines and academic cultures, between research and teaching, and between academia and society is the guiding principle and driving force for our researchers to conduct cutting-edge research at an international level.

Learn more about the research worlds of Bielefeld University


  • 2.105 international students from 113 countries are studying at Bielefeld University.
  • Of all international students at Bielefeld University, 9 are sponsored by Alexander von Humboldt Fellowships.
  • At Bielefeld University there are 42 Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe projects with a funding volume of 31.7 million euros.


														Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt

Prof. Dr. Michaela Vogt

Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Diversity and Society

+49 521 106-67754
Telephone secretary
+49 521 106-3994
UHG B3-268
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