Summer German Courses
The German Summer Courses refer to students and graduates worldwide who are planning to stay for research and study in Bielefeld/Germany, who would like to learn German or refresh their language skills or who simply wish to experience life in Germany. We are especially pleased to greet international students from partner universities of Bielefeld University from all over the world!
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers summer course scholarships for students. Depending on the respective country of the applicant, the deadline ends in November or December for a course taking place the following year. You can find all the relevant information on the requirements and applications deadlines here.
You can find the application form here. Fill out the form and attach a copy of your passport or identity card and a certificate (if you have one) of your current level of German language proficiency. With a click on "Send application" the registration will be binding.
As a participant of the German summer course you will be given a "UniCard" for the duration of the course. This card enables you to buy lunch cheaply in the university canteen and cafeterias. The price of a midday meal is around 3 Euros. More information on what is on offer at the Mensa (university canteen) and cafeterias is available here.
The German language courses take place from Monday to Friday and on one Saturday from 9 a.m. until 12.30 p.m.
In the afternoon there are study groups on Landeskunde (regional and cultural studies) and language didactics. These groups are part of the course, and it is obligatory to participate in at least two study groups per week.
All rooms in the student residence are single rooms furnished with a bed, desk and wardrobe. Bedding will be provided. Some rooms have a small kitchen and own bathroom. In most cases rooms are in shared flats, which means that you will share the kitchen and the bathroom with other course participants. The rooms with guest families are also single rooms and in some cases also have their own kitchen and bathroom. Usually, you will share the bathroom and kitchen with the family members.
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