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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Review German Summer Courses

Over the years many students and graduates from different countries participated in the German Summer Courses at Bielefeld University. In the following you can find some impressions of the course program, afternoon working groups, excursions, evening events and feedback of former participants.

Further information about our German Language Courses you can find here.

Further information about our Technical Language Project you can find here.

Project Academic German

Technical (language) project Mechatronics

Technical (language) project Law

Additional to the German Language Courses the programme includes socio-cultural working groups in the afternoon. Some examples from former years are:

Experiencing the “German kitchen” and “International kitchen”!

Art Workshop

Graffiti Workshop

Our extensive offer of excursions completes our programme to the fullest. Dusseldorf, Cologne, Bonn, Muenster, Dortmund and Bremen are some examples of the cities we are visiting. Further information about our excursions you can find here.

Further information about our leisure programme you can find here.

“Thank you for the perfect month!”

“All of our teachers were very well prepared, the leisure programme was diversified, the groups were not too big, you could learn very fast and practice a lot. It was really super, thank you!”

“This was the best August of my life. Everything was very well organized and I have met a lot of interesting people. I have seen so much, visited so many cities. Thank you!”

“It was a great opportunity to improve my German. I only have positive impressions and I would definitely participate again.”


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