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M.A. Vanessa Jaenke

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

+49 521 106-12817
Gebäude Z Z3-111

														M.A. Lorena Bruhnke

M.A. Lorena Bruhnke

Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiterin

+49 521 106-6060
Gebäude Z Z3-122

				 Dr. Anna-Maria Kamin
													 (Photo) Dr. Anna-Maria Kamin

Professur für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Medienpädagogik im Kontext von schulischer Inklusion

+49 521 106-67621
Gebäude Z Z3-108

														M.A. Nele Sonnenschein

M.A. Nele Sonnenschein

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


The BiLinked project will be accompanied by a research-oriented evaluation throughout the entire project. The evaluation focuses on the perspectives of students and teaching staff, instructors, lectures on the design and implementation of innovative digital teaching/learning formats. With the help of various instruments, the experiences from the project-related courses are documented, jointly reflected upon and evaluated. The focus lies on the following topics: self-learning, collaboration, practice and project orientation with digital media.

Furthermore, the interdisciplinary cooperation in the development of digital teaching/learning formats (Communities of Practice) as well as support services for students and teaching staff, instructors, lectures (Digital Learning Lab, Student Participation and Collaboration, Legal Advice) will be considered in the evaluation. On this basis, recommendations for the future design of teaching and learning with digital media, the curricular anchoring of the digital teaching/learning formats developed in the context of the project, and the expansion of digital infrastructures at Bielefeld University will be developed.

The evaluation measures and instruments presented below, as well as the insights into the previous evaluation results, are divided into two project phases: 'Project Phase 1: October 2021-July 2024' and 'Project Phase 2: August 2024-December 2025'.

The research-oriented evaluation in the BiLinked project addresses both media pedagogical and higher education strategic issues:

  • On the one hand, the evaluation aims to reflect on issues related to teaching and learning with digital media from a media pedagogical perspective together with teaching staff, instructors, lectures and students. The aim is to gain insights into the competence-promoting use of digital media in teaching and the didactic implementation of digital teaching/learning formats. A special interest lies on self-learning, collaboration as well as practice and project orientation with digital media. Furthermore, questions of acceptance of the developed digital teaching/learning formats, their fit to the learning objectives as well as forms of guidance and support by the teaching staff, instructors, lectures will be investigated.
  • On strategic level, the aim is to identify recommendations from the results of the evaluation measures with regard to the future design of digital teaching at Bielefeld University. In this respect, the evaluation should provide information on the development and expansion of the Digital Learning Lab and the collaborative development of innovative teaching/learning formats, among other things, and open up perspectives for curricular anchoring.

The evaluation in the project BiLinked combines evaluation formats with a descriptive character with the aim of documenting concepts, measures and offers as well as evaluation formats with a reflexive character with the aim of analyzing individual experiences, perspectives and assessments. It works according to the formulated goals and questions with different formative and summative evaluation measures.

In the project extension, the following thematic focuses are at the center of the evaluation:

  • Reflection on Student Participation & Collaboration: Reflection by faculty and students on the implementation of student participation and collaboration concerning self-learning, collaborative learning and work, as well as practice and project orientation with digital media.
  • Design of Implementation/Sustainability: Development of recommendations for the implementation, embedding, and sustainability assurance of the innovative teaching/learning formats and support areas.
  • The previous thematic focuses from the first project phase continue to be considered in the evaluation.

These will be addressed using the ongoing evaluation measures and instruments from the first project phase, as well as new evaluation measures and instruments supplemented according to the thematic focuses.

Evaluation measures and instruments

  • Semester-wise documentation of the overarching work in the Communities of Practice and the support offerings (starting from the summer semester 2022).
  • Evaluation discussions with staff members from the Digital Learning Lab and Legal Advisory areas (conducted in the winter semester 2024/2025).
  • Documentation of teaching/learning concepts in the CoP Inclusion-Sensitive Teacher Education (starting from the winter semester 2024/2025).
  • Expert interviews on the topic of implementation/sustainability with participants from the four Communities of Practice, focusing on different priorities (expected in winter semester 2024/2025)
  • Qualitative workshop discussion with project participants on the topic of Student Participation/Collaboration (winter semester 2024/2025)

During the course of the project so far, the following thematic focuses have been at the center:

  • Media-pedagogically oriented accompanying research: How can university teaching be supported and didactically implemented with regard to self-learning, collaborative learning and work, as well as practice and project orientation with digital media?
  • University-strategically oriented accompanying research: How can the collaborative development, testing, and curricular and structural integration of corresponding digital teaching/learning formats be achieved at the university?

These have been addressed using the following evaluation measures and instruments.

Evaluation measures and instruments

  • Semester-wise documentation of exemplary digital teaching/learning concepts by instructors, overarching work in the Communities of Practice, and support offerings (starting from the summer semester 2022).
  • Semester-wise qualitative surveys of students from project-related courses using a digital feedback format (starting from the summer semester 2023; previously: semi-standardized online surveys).
  • Focus group interviews with instructors (Communities of Practice) and students from project-related courses (conducted in the summer semesters of 2022 and 2023).
  • One-time individual interviews with students who participated in project-related courses (summer semester 2023).
  • Evaluation discussions with staff members from the areas of Digital Learning Lab, Student Participation and Collaboration, and Legal Advisory (conducted in the summer semesters of 2022 and 2023).

Previous Evaluation Results - Winter Semester 2024/2025

The results from the evaluation in the "BiLinked" project are based on the previously mentioned evaluation instruments and measures. These have been summarized as part of the completion of "Project Phase 1: October 2021-July 2024." The project report details the objectives and dimensions, the key findings, and the conclusions drawn from them.


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