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Campus of Bielefeld University
© Bielefeld University

Implementation of Climate (Protection) and Health Aspects in the Teaching of Medical and Medical-Related Degree Programmes

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Univ.-Prof.'in Dr. med. Claudia Hornberg


+49 521 106-67423
Telephone secretary
+49 521 106-67467

Rebecca Lätzsch

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

+49 521 106-67421
R.2 B4-221

Climate change influences human health in direct and indirect ways and favors certain disease patterns - not for nothing does the World Health Organization (WHO) warn that the climate crisis is also a health crisis. The topics of climate adaptation, climate protection and sustainability are therefore also becoming increasingly important in the healthcare sector.

Healthcare currently accounts for about five percent of CO2 emissions and is one of the world's largest employers. However, as in many other sectors, there is still a lack of awareness regarding the connection between climate, sustainability and health. In this context, the healthcare sector with all its employees and fields of activity plays a central role, especially also in the field of health communication and education, in the implementation of correct preventive measures as well as in the therapy and aftercare of the health effects of the climate crisis. Therefore, it is essential to anchor the topics of climate, sustainability and health in the education, training and continuing education of all health professions and medical degree programs at an early stage, but also throughout the entire course of studies.

The project "Implementation of climate (protection) and health aspects in the teaching of medical and medical-related degree programmes" at the Medical School OWL, funded by the Dr. Pritzsche Foundation (Donors Association), aims to raise awareness for the topic of "health and climate" in the University context as well as to raise awareness of the importance of implementing these topics in the education of students (especially of human medicine and other health professions).

The findings of the project will be used to develop a practical guide for lecturers on the topic of "Raising awareness and implementing climate (protection) measures and health impact aspects as cross-cutting issues in medical and medicine-related degree programmes" , which can also serve as an example for other degree programmes at Bielefeld University or other educational institutions.

The 9-month project will start in December 2022.

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