ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a globally establishing standard for the unique assignment of scientific authors to their own publications. The ORCID iD as a persistent identifier allows the unique differentiation of authors, e.g. in the case of identical names, name changes or different spellings. It is independent of location and reflects changing affiliations. It thus contributes to the better visibility of authors and their publication output.
Increasingly, publishers and research funders require an ORCID iD for the submission of publications or applications.
Bielefeld University Library's membership in ORCID.org has enabled us to develop a linkage between our publication server PUB and ORCID. This gives you the possibility to register an ORCID iD from your personal publication list with just a few clicks. If you already own an ORCID iD, you can connect your ORCID profile to PUB and
We would be pleased to inform you personally about the linking of ORCID and PUB.
The publication and affiliation guidelines specify how Bielefeld authors are to indicate their affiliation to the university. This should help to ensure that publications, research data and software can be clearly attributed to the university and its institutions. The University recommends that all authors indicate their institutional affiliation in accordance with the guidelines in all publications as well as at conferences and meetings. In addition, it is recommended to ensure a uniform spelling of one's own name and to register for an ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) for easy personal identification.
We will be happy to advise and support you with the affiliation guidelines and the use of your ORCID iD.
The University Library operates an institutional repository, PUB - Publications at Bielefeld University, via which unrefereed versions (preprints) or refereed versions (postprints) of articles, book chapters, etc. can be made openly accessible.
By now, over two-thirds of all scholarly publishers worldwide allow contributions published in their journals, edited volumes, or conference proceedings to be self-archived.
Which texts may I make freely accessible and when may I do so?
As a general rule, the terms of the agreement that you concluded with the publisher when you submitted your manuscript apply. You should therefore be familiar with the legal options before you conclude the publishing agreement. More information on authors' rights and publishing agreements can be found on the information platform open-access.net.
For science, a special secondary publication right applies to works published in a periodically appearing collection. Under certain conditions, it allows a repeated online publication of the work after twelve months (Section 38 (1) UrhG).
Services provided by Bielefeld University
The documents made publicly available in PUB are accessible worldwide free of charge and discoverable via all major search engines (e.g. Google, Google Scholar, BASE). The documents are linked to the entries in the scholars' and scientists' personal publication lists, where they can be viewed or downloaded. Each document is assigned a stable URN (Uniform Resource Name), which ensures the long-term citability of your publication.
Research data that are made publicly available in PUB are also linked to the publication reference.
The personal publication lists are automatically integrated into the university's Directory of Staff and Departments (PEVZ).
Publication lists maintained in the PUB repository can easily be integrated into the authors' own internal or external websites or combined to form publication lists of entire work areas, chairs, or faculties.
Personal Service
We will be glad to take care of the archiving of larger numbers of documents as open access full texts in PUB for you! Just send us your documents or a link to your home page.
We will be happy to personally answer any questions you may have and we look forward to your suggestions.
In order to promote open access to scientific information, open access publications are indexed in disciplinary repositories such as Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC), and arXiv.org.
Via Europe PMC's External Links Service, freely accessible full texts that have been uploaded to PUB automatically enrich the bibliographic data in Europe PMC. As a result, users of Europe PMC have access to the full texts, thereby significantly increasing the visibility of your texts.
In turn, data that are linked in Europe PMC to related, cited, and citing publications enrich your PUB entries, as is the case, for example, with research data of the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI).
Open Access publishing is often not free of charge. Some publishers charge quite high so-called Author Publishing Charges (APCs). Research funders and higher education institutions (including Bielefeld University with its publication fund) support authors by paying these fees. There is a lot of money involved worldwide, so it can be lucrative to offer dubious publishing services without adhering to standards of good scientific practice or using recognised quality assurance methods. Such "predatory publishers" first harm the authors themselves, but ultimately also science.
Dubious journals or dubious offers are not always easy to detect; there is also a grey area of seemingly unprofessional organisations that is difficult to assess. A whole range of criteria must always be taken into account for an assessment. In order to arrive at an assessment before submitting a contribution, we recommend the criteria list of "Think - Check - Submit".
Alternatively, you are welcome to contact us. We will be happy to advise you on the following aspects:
PUB Theses is a Bielefeld University platform via which habilitation theses, doctoral dissertations, and outstanding Bachelor and Master theses can be made openly accessible on the Internet.
The documents that are published in this way are permanently archived on the university's servers, automatically registered with the German National Library (DNB), and indexed in the National Bibliography or via DissOnline.
A trend can be observed in science funding, namely that funding for electronic open access publications is given preference over printing allowances.
You would like to publish an individual working paper or a report, e.g. from your working group? This is also possible via PUB - Publications at Bielefeld University. You prepare the document yourself until it is ready for publication. We publish your paper electronically, archive it permanently and make sure it is easy to find. Here, too, we take care of the notification and delivery to the German National Library on your behalf.
With this type of publication, your work appears directly and automatically on your publication list. This service is free of charge for you.
You can find further information on our information sheet (only in German).
Conference proceedings, edited volumes, abstract volumes, etc. that are organised or published by Bielefeld University’s departments or researchers, can be published in the "BieColl - Bielefeld eCollections" repository. A separate "collection" is created for each event or work, which is presented on an individual webpage, with a logo and conference information if applicable.
You can find further information on our information sheet (only in German).
If you have any questions regarding publishing individual texts or conference proceedings, please contact:
Scholarly Publishing Services Support, E-Mail: publikationsdienste.ub@uni-bielefeld.de,
Tel.: +49 521 106-2545, Room: UHG B1-128
PUB - Publications at Bielefeld University assists the university's academic departments with the publishing of their scholarly series. We also take care of the mandatory notification and submission of the electronic publications ("net publications") to the German National Library on the authors' behalf, thereby ensuring that they are recorded in the German National Bibliography. Moreover, the publications can be integrated into your web presence or into disciplinary networks such as RePEc.
As a supplementary service, you can apply to Scholarly Publishing Services for an ISSN for your working papers.
You can find further information on our information sheet (only in German).
If you have any questions regarding theses or scholarly series publishing, please contact:
Bettina Weingarten, E-Mail: bettina.weingarten@uni-bielefeld.de, Tel.: +49 521 106-4021, Room: UHG A1-116
The library continuously offers tuitions and advice for scientists or technical and administrative staff.
Tuitions, e.g. on ORCID, the use of PUB or how to set up a data management plan can found in the tuitions calendar. We will also be happy to assist and advise you individually - in person, by e-mail or telephone.
The colloquium will address trends and questions of information management in the broader context of scholarly communication.
Each session will deal with a topic that is to be related to the development of academic knowledge infrastructures. The event is open to all who are interested. If you like to receive an invitation on the day before, you may subscribe to this mailing list.
An overview of the topics covered and the presentation slides can be found as a collection on BieColl.
Here you will find guidelines which aim to help EC-funded projects at Bielefeld University in implementing the HORIZON 2020 Open Access and Open Data requirements. For this purpose, support and services, which fulfil the EC's requirements on Open Access, are summarized.