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Integrate calendar under Thunderbird

The university calendar can be integrated with the integrated calendar (formerly as Lightning add-on) via CalDAV protocol into the e-mail program.


First, the university's personal email account should be set up in Thunderbird. The instructions can be found at:




Switch to the calendar via the calendar icon at the top right.


A right click in the free area below Calendar starts the setup wizard for a new calendar via New Calendar.


Select inthe network and continue via Next.


The following settings are required:

User name:
-> Personal university e-mail address



Then click on Search calendar.


The window for entering the password opens. Enter the personal BITS password for the e-mail address here and confirm by clicking on Registration .


Here, "CalDAV" must be selected as the calendar type. Click on Subscribe to complete the degree.
The configuration is completed and the calendar can be used.

Subscribe to other calendars and subcalendars

Subscribe to other calendars

To subscribe to shared calendars, the same configuration has to be done as for the personal calendar (see above).
At the place where the address is entered, the e-mail address of the calendar to be subscribed to has to be entered.

Max Muster wants to subscribe to the shared calendar of Berta Musterfrau. The address should look like this:


Subscribe to own subcalendars

In order to subscribe to own sub-calendars, the same configuration has to be done as for the personal calendar (see above).
The calendar name of the sub-calendar has to be appended at the place where the address is entered.

Max Muster wants to integrate calendar "Archive_Calendar". The address should look like this:


Subscribe to foreign subcalendars

A release for the main calendar must also exist for the release of the sub-calendar. For this, at least the authorization level "Availability only" must be assigned.

To subscribe to shared sub-calendars, the same configuration must be made as for the personal calendar (see above).
The e-mail address of the calendar to be subscribed to and the calendar name of the sub-calendar must be appended at the point where the address is entered.

Max Muster wants to subscribe to Berta Musterfrau's shared sub-calendar "ProjektX". The address would have to look like this:

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