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Language Cinema

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Peter Prestel

CineClub Latino

Spanish Movies

The CineClub Latino shows movies for enthusiasts of the spanish language as well as of the spanish speaking world of movies.

French Movies

Bielefeld University shows francophone movies in original version (with german or french subtitles) 3 to 4 times per semester.


The CineClub Latino is a student's initiative organized by students of the Lili department in cooperation with the Language Centre of Bielefeld University. In the context of the CineClub Latino brazilian and italian movies will be presented from time to time as well.

You also have the possibility to watch francophone movies in original version (with german or french subtitles) at the Art House Cinma „Kamera“ in Bielefeld. About every four weeks the „Deutsch-Französische Gesellschaft“ organizes such an event.

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