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Scientific Data Services

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© Bielefeld University

Scientific Data Services

The Scientific Data Services (SDS) unite data-related institutes, initiatives and projects of Bielefeld University under one roof, make data-related competencies and services visible and activate synergy potentials.

The SDS can be viewed from three different perspectives: the perspective of (1) data-related institutes, (2) data-related competencies and (3) data-related services.

The SDS are aimed at researchers from all disciplines. They use a broad concept of data that includes quantitative and qualitative data as well as new types of data such as social media data. SDS services include data-related services and tools.


Institutes, initiatives, projects and more...

Permanent institutes as well as initiatives, networks and temporary projects are organised in the Scientific Data Services (SDS).


The institutes, initiatives and projects organised in SDS have data-related competences along the entire data life cycle and provide data-related services tailored to these.

  • Collect data
    Julian Kücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Collect Data

    The collection of research data is determined, among other things, by the research approach, collection method(s) and data types, but also by ethical considerations and legal framework conditions.

  • Analyse Data
    Julian Kücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia

    Analyse Data

    The analysis of research data is determined, among other things, by the research approach (e.g. qualitative or quantitative), study design and the data types.


  • Presentation of data
    Julian Kücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia

    Display Data

    The presentation of research data plays a central role in both explorative data analysis and the presentation of research results. In addition to the visualisation of research data, other sensory modalities (the auditory or tactile modality) and also the multi-modal presentation of data are playing an increasingly important role.

  • Manage data
    Julian Kücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia

    Manage Data

    Already at the start of a research project, the various aspects of research data management should be considered or planned, such as (data documentation, data organisation and data archiving).

  • Publish data
    Julian Kücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia

    Publish Data

    Publishing research data increases its value for research. Bielefeld University encourages its researchers to publish research data in registered discipline-specific repositories. In addition, the university also provides its own institutional repository, PUB.


  • Archive data
    Julian Kücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia

    Archive Data

    The (long-term) archiving of research data aims at the technically secure storage of the acquired data as well as the establishment of processes for accessing it.


The institutes, initiatives and projects organised in SDS provide a wide range of data-related services.

  • Alternativtext
    Julian Klücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons


    Bielefeld University offers researchers a wide range of consulting services on the topic of research data, covering the entire data lifecycle.

  • Alternativtext
    Julian Klücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons


    Bielefeld University offers researchers numerous interdisciplinary and discipline-specific networking opportunities around the topics of research data, open science, reproducibility and data science.

  • Alternativtext
    Julian Klücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Data Access

    Researchers at Bielefeld University have access to selected research data from various disciplines, as well as data publications from numerous disciplines.

  • Universität
    Julian Klücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons


    Bielefeld University provides infrastructure for research and enables its researchers to participate in and gain access for national (NFDI) and european infrastructure (EOSC).

  • Alternativtext
    Julian Klücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

    Third-party funding

    Bielefeld University offers researchers numerous interdisciplinary and discipline-specific third-party funding services related to research data and data science.

  • Competency
    Julian Klücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons


    Researchers at Bielefeld University have access to a wide range of tools for research data.

  • Alternativtext
    Julian Klücklich, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons


    Bielefeld University offers its researchers numerous interdisciplinary and discipline-specific events, training courses and courses on the topics of research data, open science and data science.


06.02.2025 - News aus der fakultätsübergreifenden Core Facility Forschungstierhaltung (im Aufbau)!

06.02.2025 - Virtual Café launched: New shared digital platform

06.02.2025 - Virtual Café eröffnet: Neue gemeinsame digitale Plattform

06.02.2025 - Absolvent*innenbefragung endet bald

06.02.2025 - 650 Schüler*innen bei der Pädagogik-Olympiade erwartet

06.02.2025 - Doppelpass für Integration

06.02.2025 - Frank Riedel in Ulm

06.02.2025 - 13. Oligo Workshop

06.02.2025 - 13th Oligo Workshop

06.02.2025 - Frank Riedel in Ulm

05.02.2025 - „Unsicherheit als Innovationsmotor verstehen“

05.02.2025 - Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen als Dozent*innen

05.02.2025 - Gewalt gegen Politiker

05.02.2025 - Die politische Mitte verloren in neuen Konfliktkonstellationen?

05.02.2025 - Von der D-Mark zum Microcredential: Die Erfolgsgeschichte von Europa Intensiv

04.02.2025 - Neuer PC-Pool in B02 eröffnet

04.02.2025 - Call for Applications - Workshop "Exploring and Employing Autoethnographic Positioning Analysis"

03.02.2025 - Personalnachrichten aus der Universität Bielefeld

03.02.2025 - WLAN: Wartung am 04.02.2025

02.02.2025 - Informationen zur Lehrveranstaltungsanmeldung ITM im SoSe 2025

31.01.2025 - CeUS Pressespiegel #9: CDU, Deepseek und Kumbh Mela

31.01.2025 - Universität Bielefeld bei NRW debattiert Europa

31.01.2025 - "Es drohen demokratische Verschiebungen"

30.01.2025 - Neue Option für Section-Teaser-Komponente

30.01.2025 - 07.01 Studierende der Universität Bielefeld zu Gast im Showroom 

Site Map




Postal address

c/o Bielefeld University
Scientific Data Services (SDS)

P.O. Box 10 01 31
D-33501 Bielefeld

Home/Package address

Universität Bielefeld
Universitätsstraße 25
D-33615 Bielefeld


How to Find Us at Bielefeld University




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