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Changing World

Overlapping micado rods
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In Focus

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Building on successful collaborative research projects, the newly established Center for Uncertainty Studies (CeUS) aims to bring together expertise from different fields of research and promote inter- and transdisciplinary uncertainty research. Learn more

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In the Joint Institute for Individualisation in a Changing Environment (JICE), Researchers investigate individualisation in changing environments in an interdisciplinary discourse of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. Learn more

Changing World: Social Systems, Individualization and Uncertainty

View from above of a large crosswalk that a lot of people are crossing
© adobe.stock/eyetronic

Societies and individuals are subject to permanent change - their natural, technical and social environments are becoming more diverse, interconnected and globalised. Immanent interactions lead to a complex interplay, stability cannot be taken for granted. Change generates innovation and uncertainty. Since its founding, Bielefeld University has distinguished itself by its interdisciplinary and scientifically networked examination of the transformation of societies and individuals in all regions of the world and their natural environments. It focuses its research in this area within numerous interdisciplinary research networks. In doing so, it seeks a scientific exchange that transcends borders and combines methods and theories in innovative ways so that knowledge of change can also be gained under conditions of uncertainty.

Research Area

  • 5th in Social and Behavioral Sciences (absolute)
  • 20th in Natural Sciences (relative to scientific staff)

Research Field (Review Board)

  • 5th in Social Science (absolute)
  • 5th in Psychology (absolute)
  • 6th in History (absolute)
  • 10th in Jurisprudence (absolute)
  • 12th in Zoology (absolute)


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