This Community of Practice (CoP) promotes media pedagogical and media didactical competencies among student teachers. The focus lies on the collaborative planning and design of digital teaching materials and digital learning paths in phase-connecting tridems consisting of students, teachers and subject didacticians. The acquisition of competencies for lesson preparation and design as a professionalization task for future teachers is already complex in itself. This challenge is heightened when the perspectives of inclusion and education in a digitally influenced culture are also taken into account. The experimental schools Oberstufen-Kolleg and Laboratory School [Laborschule Bielefeld] on the university campus as well as interested regular schools (currently the Kurt-Tucholsky-Gesamtschule in Minden) offer an attractive learning environment for deeper learning of the pupils, in that collaborative work takes place in the learning environment "school" itself. In addition to the cooperating schools, the participating subject didactics of the CoP form another pillar of the tridems. With the subject didactics for Biology, German as a Foreign and Second Language/Multilingualism, Music, Integrated Studies for Primary Education ("Sachunterricht"), Social Sciences, Physical Education and Mathematics (until August 2024), a broad range of subjects is represented. The teaching materials developed by students together with teachers and subject didacticians can be published in the Bielefeld OER journals HLZ and DiMawe. In addition to the joint creation of these materials, the focus will remain on the exchange between the training phases in order to initiate discussions about collaborative teaching and learning in a culture of digitality.
Student Assistant
Student Assistant
Student Assistant
Student Assistant
Student Assistant
Student Assistant
Student Assistant
Student Assistant
Pia Beholz (student assistant)
David Buschendorff (student assistant)
Yasmin Echterhoff (student assistant)
Caroline Nagel (student assistant)
Seda Peker (student assistant)
Joshua Schippling (student assistant)
Sebastian Seybusch (student assistant)
Laura Tissen (student assistant)
Lennart Uffmann (student assistant) Dr. Kerstin Gerlach (né Tiedemann, mathematics)
Marlina Hülsmann (scientific assistant, biology)
Prof. Dr. Udo Ohm (German as a foreign and second language)
Juliane Wefers (scientific assistant, mathematics)