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© Universität Bielefeld

Second degree

For applicants who wish to pursue a second degree, 3 percent of the study places are available in the selection for degree programmes with restricted admissions.

This applies to those who have already successfully completed a degree programme (e.g. Bachelor's degree) at a German higher education institution at the time of application for a degree programme with restricted admission.
Within the scope of the online application, a justification for the second degree must be provided in an informal letter and proof of the degree certificate of the first degree must be provided via an upload.
Important note: A first Master's degree programme after a completed Bachelor's degree programme is considered an advanced degree programme and not yet a second degree programme.

Selection in the 3 percent quota is based on a ranking determined by a point value. This point value is determined from the result of the final exam(ination) of the first degree programme and the reasons presented for the second degree programme.

The details of how the point value is determined can be found in Annex 1 of the Award Regulations of North Rhine-Westphalia (Vergabeverordnung NRW). For guidance, please refer to the information sheet "Auf ein Neues: Die Zulassung zum Zweitstudium" issued by the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung. If you are applying for an undergraduate degree programme with restricted admission at Bielefeld University, the regulations listed in this information sheet apply.

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