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Subject Portal Medicine

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														Cindy Kathke

Cindy Kathke

Subject librarian for medicine

+49 521 106-4064
UHG E1-144

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Subject-specific Training Courses


Medical School OWL

Departmental Library UHG-I

Map of Departmental Library UHG-I, Area E1

Entrance Area D1
Subject Collection in Area E1

Opening Hours UHG-I

Mon–Fri: 08.00–22.00
Sat, Sun, Public Holidays: 09.00–19.00

Circulation Desk UHG-I

Service Hours: Mon–Fri, 08.00–18.00
Phone: +49 521 106-3414

The medical subject collection is mainly managed as an eLibrary and supplies the students, teaching staff, instructors, lecturers and researchers of the Medical School OWL as well as the medical staff of the University Medical Center OWL (UK OWL) working in research and/or teaching in various service portfolios.

Information for medical students

In addition to a large number of printed textbooks, the UHG-I departmental library also offers a wide range of digital resources for medical students. These include many textbooks as e-books, learning platforms with additional content and IMPP questions, as well as platforms with 3D anatomy models. You can find a list of the most important offers here:

Produkt Kurzinfo Zugriff Apps
AMBOSS campus licence for students

AMBOSS is a learning programme with IMPP examination tasks and a medical knowledge platform for all stages of study.
The current campus licence allows:

  •     Access to the library: unlimited
  •     Tick questions: unlimited number
Registration exclusively for students on AMBOSS with mail address in the campus network / VPN of the university.

To the registration

Apps for iOS and Android
arznei-telegramm® The arznei-telegramm® offers compact, critically categorised assessments of medicinal products and medical devices for evidence-based therapy and patient advice on benefits and risks.

Access to the atd medicines database with information on the benefits and harms of around 18,000 medicines

Registration and use exclusively for students

To the registration

App for iOS and Android
Clinical Key Student Is an interactive medical platform and contains approx. 150 specialist books, approx. 40,000 images and numerous videos from the publisher Elsevier. Registration on the platform with mail address in the campus network / VPN or via Shibboleth of the university required.

To the registration

Apps for iOS and Android Search for "ClinicalKey Student Bookshelf"
3D4Medical Complete Anatomy 3D4 Medical is a very comprehensive anatomy app that allows you to view every human part from all sides and also in isolation, just like on a dissecting table.

Use via the respective app exclusively for students.

Registration with email address.

Activation of the campus licence with the code: 3AIHID3551ND

Apps for iPad, Mac, iPhone, Windows and Android.
Deximed Deximed (German Expert Information Medicine) is a new doctor information system focussing on GP care. Access in the campus network / VPN of Bielefeld University

To the database

docCom.deutsch Learning platform with online modules for basic and further training in communication in the healthcare sector. Go to the login button on the start page and select "Bielefeld University" under "From other federations" when selecting the organisation, then log in with the usual university ID. No Platform with the gold standard ECG course and training for students and lecturers. The platform provides theoretical and practical knowledge of the ECG. Registration for students with e-mail address.

To the registration for students

After initial individual registration, access can be used via all computers and devices (tablet, smartphone, laptop) regardless of location and time.
Heidelberger Klinische Standards Interdisciplinary standard works for learning, further education, consolidation and consolidation during studies, for exam preparation and for everyday working life. The library's campus licence also contains the corresponding educational films for the respective book. Access in the campus network / VPN of Bielefeld University via the library's No
Human Anatomy Atlas / Visible Body "Human Anatomy Atlas 2021" from Visible Body is a 3D atlas for exploring over 5,000 anatomical structures. Bones, blood vessels, nerves and muscles can be faded in and out as required in order to have a clear view of the underlying structures. Access in the campus network / VPN of Bielefeld University

To the database

Apps for iPhone, iPad and Android devices
With memory pictures, clever mnemonics and memory palaces from Meditricks, learners increase their learning and memory performance. The reference images on various topics are each explained as a video.
Registration with mail address in the campus network / VPN of Bielefeld University.

Access also via AMBOSS

Thieme eRef Selected textbooks from Thieme Verlag and access to all three volumes of the PROMETHEUS Learning Atlas of Anatomy. Access within the campus network / VPN of Bielefeld University. For access outside the campus network, a so-called home access is required through an individual registration within the campus network.

To the database / registration

Use of the eRef app for iOs and Android possible after setting up home access.
Thieme via medici Information and learning portal with thousands of interactive learning modules for studying human medicine, IMPP exam questions to cross, approx. 120 digital textbooks (eRef) and other content for medical studies Registration for students with mail address in the campus network / VPN. For access outside the campus network, a so-called home access is required through an individual registration within the campus network.

To the database / registration

Use of the via medici "WISSEN TO GO" app for iOs and Android possible after setting up home access.

Information for employees of the Medical School OWL

Employees of the Medical School OWL can use all services of the university library without restriction. These include numerous medical-specific services for teaching and research, as well as the possibility of receiving funding for open access articles.

The products provided by the library that are particularly relevant for medical teaching and research will be listed shortly.

You can also use the PUB - Publications at Bielefeld University service. "PUB" is the institutional repository of Bielefeld University, which is the central repository for literature publications and research data and reflects the scientific activities at the university. Bielefeld researchers from all disciplines can use it to create and maintain their personal publication lists

Employees of the Medical School OWL are authorised to use the funding opportunity for Open Access articles in accordance with the general, university-wide funding criteria. Please note that the affiliation information for scientific publications of the Faculty of Medicine must be observed.

Funding is limited to pure Open Access articles in journals.

Article processing charges can be supported with a funding amount of up to 2,000 euros.

The university's funding criteria for Open Access articles apply.

Here you can find the application form for the funding of Open Access articles.

As part of the DEAL consortium, separate agreements exist with the publishers Wiley, Springer Nature and Elsevier. Please note the information on the DEAL project.


Information for medical staff of the UK OWL

The use of the following services of Bielefeld University Library by employees of the supporting institutions of the University Medical Center OWL is only possible if they have been authorised by the Faculty of Medicine and are listed by name in the PEVZ of Bielefeld University. The Faculty of Medicine is responsible for the admission of individual staff, people. At the same time as admission, approval of the library's user regulations must be given.

For licensing reasons, a distinction is made between two service groups when providing the services.

Employees who belong to a university specialised clinic ("university clinic for subject area") can access the services listed in service portfolio 1 (LP 1).

Employees working in specialised clinics that support teaching ("clinic for subject area") have access to service portfolio 2 (LP 2) focussed on teaching.

Employees of specialised clinics who are not involved in teaching for the Faculty of Medicine cannot be given a separate service portfolio and access.

I. Library card

You can apply for a UniCard as a library card via the PRISMA self-service. You can obtain the library card at the service desk of the Library Service Center (BDZ). The library card is issued free of charge.

The library card is a prerequisite for using the physical library.

II. Use of the physical library

You will find the medical subject collections in the main university building (UHG) in the departmental library UHG-I (entrance unit D1).

You can borrow printed materials with your UniCard. The card is automatically renewed up to the maximum loan period (65, 85 or 180 days, depending on the loan period), provided no other user has placed a reservation.

Interlibrary loan requests are free of charge.

Employees in this group can grant a permanent authorisation to borrow media from the library on their behalf.

III. Use of licenced electronic media (purchased from the library)

Staff, people in this group are generally authorised to access all content licensed by the library. Licensed media are generally made available via a campus licence, so that access is possible on the entire campus of Bielefeld University. The area of the clinics is not included in this area. However, it is possible to access the library's licenced content outside the campus.

By installing the VPN software, employees can log in via the VPN client and are then virtually on campus. This allows them to use most licensed content, access to which is normally restricted to the campus.

Another option for accessing licensed content off campus is a personal login via Shibboleth on the website of the respective content provider. However, not every provider allows this form of approval.

In individual cases, the provider may also require registration and / or authentication via the university e-mail address ( to access licensed content. These products may not be available or may only be available upon request.

IV. Publishing

The Faculty of Medicine currently has its own publication fund to promote Open Access articles.

Employees in this group are authorised to use this funding opportunity in accordance with the General University-wide funding criteria. Please note that the affiliation information for scientific publications of the Faculty of Medicine must be observed.

Funding is limited to pure Open Access articles in journals.

Article processing charges can be supported with a funding amount of up to 2,000 euros.

The university's funding criteria for Open Access articles apply.

Here you can find the application form for the funding of Open Access articles.

As part of the DEAL consortium, separate agreements exist with the publishers Wiley, Springer Nature and Elsevier. Please note the information on the DEAL project.

You can also use the PUB - Publications at Bielefeld University service. "PUB" is the institutional repository of Bielefeld University, which is the central repository for literature publications and research data and reflects the scientific activities at the university. Bielefeld researchers from all disciplines can use it to create and maintain their personal publication lists.

V. Reference management programme Citavi

Citavi can only be used by university members with an e-mail address.

Guest accounts cannot currently be set up.

In addition to the points mentioned above, Bielefeld University Library offers further services and advice to the group of clinical teaching staff, instructors, lecturers.

I. Library card

You can apply for a UniCard as a library card via the PRISMA self-service. You can obtain the library card at the service desk of the Library Service Center (BDZ). The library card is issued free of charge.

The library card is a prerequisite for using the physical library.

II. Use of the physical library

You will find the medical subject collections in the main university building (UHG) in the departmental library UHG-I (entrance unit D1).

You can borrow printed materials with your UniCard. The card is automatically renewed up to the maximum loan period (65, 85 or 180 days, depending on the loan period), provided no other user has placed a reservation.

III. Use of licenced electronic media (purchased from the library)

Licensed media are generally made available via a campus licence, so that access to most licensed content is possible on the entire campus of Bielefeld University. This option is available at the library's PC workstations.

As far as possible, selected medical-specific content required exclusively for teaching is made available.

A specific summary of the content made available will be provided shortly.

To access the special medicine-specific content outside the campus, a personal login via Shibboleth on the website of the respective content provider is required. However, not every provider allows this form of approval.

In individual cases, the provider may also require registration and / or authentication via the university email address ( to access licensed content. These products cannot be used by this group of people or only after application.

IV. Publishing

Employees in this group are not authorised to use the funding opportunities offered by the Publication Fund for open access publications.

V. Reference management programme Citavi

The use of Citavi is only possible for university members with an e-mail address.

Guest accounts cannot currently be set up.

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