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Bielefeld IT Service Centre

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© Bielefeld University | BITS

BITS-Beratung (BITS consulting)

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We have moved!

BITS counselling has been available at the Student Service Centre since 25.11.24.

For enquiries about the IT services offered by BITS and about the recommended client software products for using the BITS infrastructure, BITS offers personal counselling as well as email and telephone support. The BITS counselling service is primarily responsible for student concerns, employees contact the IT supervision of the Faculty or department.

Support time

Room: A0-301
Mon.-Fri. 09:30-16:00
Tel.: 0521 106-12777
Live Chat: bottom right of the BITS website


First support for notebooks in the BITS counselling service

During opening hours, the MEDiS team helps with data recovery or virus attacks on laptops, among other things.

Support for pool PCs and printers

If problems occur on the computers in the BITS PC rooms, BITS counselling can also help remotely and can also connect to a computer in the event of a problem.

-> PC rooms: Remote support / remote maintenance

If you have problems with the printers in room B01-005 for the "studiprint", the BITS counselling service can also help.

Office consulting hours for students

Tues. 12:30-14:00

The Tuesday student consulting hours are currently online . Please contact us in advance by email at


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