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German Summer Courses

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
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														Theresa Brunsing

Theresa Brunsing

Team Punktum

+49 521 106-3679
UHG D0-142

There are about 15 participants in each course group. You can find out how to apply for a course here.

Course Fee

The course fee is 790 Euro. This includes:

  • Language course and project work
  • Proficiency test
  • Consultation on studying at Bielefeld University
  • Leisure program including day-trips on the weekends

Please note: When registering for course 8 "Preparatory Course and German Examination for University Entrance", the test fee will be charged in addition to the course fee.

The deadline for registration is on 30 June 2025.


To sign up for the German language courses, please use our registration form.
As soon as your registration is complete, you will receive an invoice. Please transfer the deposit of 450 Euros immediately after receipt of this invoice.

Please find a checklist for all further steps here.

The following conditions apply if you cancel your enrolment on the German summer course

  • If you cancel your enrolment on the German summer course by 31 January 2025, your deposit will be reimbursed in full.
  • If you cancel your enrolment on the German summer course by 31 May 2025, half of your deposit will be reimbursed.
  • If you cancel your enrolment on the German summer course after 1 June 2025, it will no longer be possible to reimburse your deposit.


General Language Courses

We offer the following courses according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:

Course 1: Level A2 (for participants with previous knowledge at A1)

Course 2: Level B1 (for participants with previous knowledge at A2)

Course 3: Level B2 (for participants with previous knowledge at B1)

The course amounts to 25 teaching units per week.
The grammar at this level will be introduced and expanded respectively. The participants learn the most important structures of the German language. The focus is, above all, on building and expanding on communicative skills. To this end, the course will deal with topics relevant to the university and everyday life in Germany. The teaching material can be purchased after your arrival.


Course 4: B2/C1 (General Language) + Technical (Language) Project Law

Course 5: B2/C1 (General Language) + Technical (Language) Project Economics

Course 6: B2/C1 (General Language) + Technical (Language) Project Mechatronics

Course 7: B2/C1 (General Language) + Technical (Language) Project Society and Politics

Course 8: B2/C1 (General Language) + Technical (Language) Project Academic German

Course 9: B2/C1 (General Language) + Technical (Language) Project Literature

Course 10: B2/C1 (General Language + Technical Components)

The courses amount to 17 hours of general language and 8 hours of technical language per week. The course refers to participants with very good German language proficiency. The course is focusing on communication and a safe stylistic handling of German language, as well as extending grammatical knowledge according to this advanced level. The content is related to real-life situations and includes extracurricular learning venues, which means that the course offers interesting excursions for each subject in addition to the lessons in class. We will inform you about the teaching material once you arrive. Above all, the lessons should be fun and lively!


Course outline

Based on case studies, fundamental rights will be discussed and compared across cultures. Furthermore, relevant norms of the German Civil Code (BGB) will be reviewed. Independent work on practical, true-to life cases completes the programme. The aim of the project is to expand language proficiency in the area of Law.

The Economics project deals with both economic and business topics. The focus is on the management, control and organization of companies, the German tax system and socially relevant topics such as the shortage of skilled workers. In addition, principles of business and professions in business are addressed. Special attention is paid to the use of authentic specialized texts. The project lessons are related to the real world and include extracurricular places of learning; thus, in addition to the lessons, excursions relevant to the respective subject also take place.

The field of mechatronics includes all areas of technology in which components of electronics, mechanics and informatics interact. Apart from refreshing grammar by using relevant technical terminology, the teaching project encompasses the analysis of graphics/diagrams, evaluation of podcasts on topics from engineering science as well as practicing reading comprehension by using popular science texts and technical resources.

The course focuses on current events in German politics and society as well as important themes from German history. Addressing German culture on a communicative basis and from an intercultural perspective takes precedence over learning bare facts.

Reading and writing academic texts are key study skills. However, many specialized and scientific texts demand complex skills. The project refers to participants who would like to improve their reading and writing skills in the area of Academic German. Apart from refreshing relevant grammar for Academic German, the course also covers typical vocabulary as well as adequate formulation. Through practical exercises and tips, the course helps students to adopt reading and writing strategies competently.

The project 'Literature' deals with contemporary German literature in a European context. From a historical and systematic perspective, we examine literary texts as media objects, in their aesthetic forms, poetic processes and cultural framework conditions. Further topics include the reflection of genre-specific questions as well as the relationship between literary and non-literary reality, such as the discussion of literary texts in the context of socio-historical, social, political, cultural and intellectual-historical discourses. One focus of the project is on the topic of belonging of various kinds in an increasingly interconnected and at the same time fragmented world. Literature is an important archive for reflecting on questions of belonging in the age of globalization (transnational literary relations, world literature, multilingualism). How can belonging be defined in literary-aesthetic terms? What different functions do imagination and fiction have in processes of globalization and belonging? Which historical constellations become observable through the analysis of literary texts? To what extent does literature not only represent such processes, but also reflect, model, criticize and help shape them? Such questions will be reflected upon in the project.


We leave the choice of project up to you. It is not a requirement to have a degree or relevant experience in a representative area. Your personal interest is of primary importance.

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