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"richtig einsteigen."

© Universität Bielefeld

Strengthening Literal Competences (LitKom)

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Swantje Lahm

Coordination "Writing Competencies", Writing Lab

Telephone: +49 521 106-4697  
Room: Gebäude X E1-235

The project Litkom is anchored in the Writing Lab at the University of Bielefeld.

Supervising homework and final theses - Recommendation for teachers
A handout of the Prorectorate for Studies and Teaching (October 2016)

Giving students text feedback - efficiently and constructively
A handout for the practical work of teachers

LitKom as part of the programme "richtig einsteigen." develops and implements concepts for writing intensive teaching in the first academic year. Students at Bielefeld University are thus prepared for university demands and lay the foundation for a successful course of study.

LitKom has set itself the goal of familiarising first-year students with the literal skills relevant to their subject and of anchoring corresponding learning opportunities in regular courses. To this end, our staff members work closely with faculty staff. With the help of reading and writing activities tailored to the objectives of the course, students learn to overcome initial hurdles, to develop own skills in dealing with scientific texts and to engage in greater depth with teaching content.

Our team

18 employees in 13 participating faculties and two coordinators form the LitKom project group. Together, we develop concepts for writing-intensive teaching.

Click here to get to the LitKom team.

Our offer

LitKom offers a variety of advisory services tailored to the diverse needs of students and teaching staff. Through the individual interlocking of teaching and writing in the faculties, students are sensitised to the role of writing in their subjects and enabled to produce their own scientific papers.

- We revise introductory courses in cooperation with the person teaching them. For example:

  • The basic module Introduction to German Literature has been redesigned so that students can try out and deepen scientific writing and techniques of scientific work.
  • Writing tasks and writing activities were designed for the accompanying tutorials of the introductory lectures of various fields of law in jurisprudence.
  • Reading and writing activities were implemented in the basic courses in history.
  • We offer specialist advice for teaching staff on how to integrate writing into individual teaching.
  • We train student tutors in cooperation with the Peer Learning team.
  • We write publications, guidelines and offer collections oftechnical writing exercises. This includes:
  • The publication “Schreiben in der Lehre” provides information on how to design technical writing step by step, from course preparation to support as well as evaluation and grading of student texts.
  • The book series Schreiben im Studium offers a collection of subject-specific writing exercises.

- We offer opportunities for discussion in order to reflect scientifically on the effects and benefits of integrating writing into academic teaching. For example, at the upcoming final conference of the LitKom project (26./27.03.2020).

- We design learning materials:

- Our faculty staff offer individual writing advice for students.

- our staff regularly hold courses with a focus on scientific writing, e.g. in biology, physics or English language and literature.

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