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Bielefeld IT Service Center

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© Bielefeld University | BITS

Virus protection

The virus scanner Sophos Anti-Virus is available for free use to all university employees with an account. Use is permitted for both private (Home Premium) and official (Intercept X, Endpoint Security) use.

1. Sophos Home Premium - private use

2. Sophos Intercept X (Sophos Central) - business use

Scope of services

1. Sophos Home Premium

For students and employees (private use)

The Sophos Home Premium antivirus software can be used free of charge by all students and employees of Bielefeld University for private devices running Windows and Mac.

Protection features include:

  • Real-time virus protection
  • Ransomware protection
  • Malware scanning and removal
  • Automatic updates
  • Usable on up to 10 computers

Registration and download

Registration via:

First you have to create an account at Sophos by entering your personal university email address ( and then follow the steps from the activation emails. Please enter a separate password (do not use the BITS password!).

Download after registration
-> : (registration with created Sophos account)

Useful life

After registration, the license runs for one year and can then be renewed again, provided that the eligibility still exists.

General max. term by our current contract: 31.10.2027


2. Sophos Intercept X (Sophos Central)

For employees (business use)

BITS offers the product Sophos Intercept X to protect end devices and servers from malware.

Automatic reports of incidents (virus attacks, suspicious files, etc.) are accepted centrally in the Admin Console by the IT supervisors responsible for the faculty/department.

The access rights of the IT supervisors in the Sophos Admin Console are limited to their own Faculty. The use of the Admin Console is subject to the terms of use (in German).

Cloud services, such as Sophos Intercept X, to improve the detection performance of the virus protection programs should be used according to the recommendation of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
see: "OPS.1.1.4.A5 Operation and configuration of virus protection programs" in the IT-Grundschutz compendium of the BSI.

Data protection information can be found here (in German).


Installation and deployment

Users in the areas managed by BITS (Central Administration, Medical School OWL, etc.) receive this protection automatically in the course of desktop management on the official devices (Windows and macOS).

Users whose devices are managed by the decentralized IT supervisors either receive the software automatically or can request the installation files for the respective operating system from the responsible IT supervisor.



Target group

  • Students (Sophos Home Premium)
  • Employees


  • Sophos Home Premium:
    Own account after registration
  • Sophos Intecept X:
    Automatically after installation

Privacy notive and terms of use


Support for Sophos Home
Support for problems is available via the personal Sophos account directly from Sophos after logging in at .

For students
BITS-Beratung (Support Office)
Room: University Main Building A0-301
Mo.–Fr. 09:30–16:00 h
Tel.: 0521 106-12777

For employees with a PC workstation provided by BITS
Service Desk
Mo.–Fr. 08:00–16:00 h
Tel.: 0521 106-6000

For other employees
Decentralised IT support of the faculty or institution.


How-to for SophosHome (on

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