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Bielefelder IT-Servicezentrum

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© Universität Bielefeld | BITS

Closed network

Department of a group VLAN with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, if required with IP address assignment. The number of VLANs per faculty/department is limited.

Scope of services


  • 10/100/1000 MBit (Non-refurbished areas of UHG with EC7 data outlets,1 GBit connection chargeable).
  • 10/100/1000 MBit (Building X and other buildings with RJ45 data sockets)

Operating time

Service is available around the clock.

Service-impacting maintenance (may) occur:
Tuesdays 04:00-05:00
Thursdays 04:00-05:00

Service-impacting maintenance outside of these maintenance windows will occur only after appropriate advance notice from the responsible support organizations.


Target group

  • Faculties and departments of Bielefeld University


An application can be made by the dec. EDP supervisor via BITS (see Support).

Deployment times

The provisioning time is effort-dependent.

Duty to cooperate

The provision of this service usually requires prior personal coordination between EDP supervision and BITS.


Service Desk
Mo.–Fr. 08:00–16:00 h
Tel.: 0521 106-6000

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