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Settings and personal data

All students have their own personal area in the eKVV, in which their study data is displayed and in which they can also maintain their own settings to a certain extent.

In addition to the timetable, enrolment data and their own degree programmes are also displayed here, email settings can be maintained, open course evaluations can be viewed and codes for the city of Bielefeld's rental bikes can be retrieved.

Go direct to "My settings":


Your e-mail address is required so that you can be contacted by the university. This is entered and maintained by you in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV) (after registration in the eKVV in the left menu under "Email")

We will initially take your e-mail address from your application, but as soon as you are enrolled, you will receive your own "Uni-Mailadresse" with the domain "". You can find more information about the university email address on these BITS pages: Email and calendar This email address is offered to you directly in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv), but you can also decide to use a different personal email address. Please note that if you enter an external address, you will receive an activation e-mail which you must confirm.

Your e-mail address stored in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) will be used by university staff to cover letters to you. However, we assure you that your private e-mail address will not be published or made visible to the sender

A few email providers are experiencing persistent problems with the delivery of emails via our mailing lists. These problems are caused by the email provider and unfortunately cannot be resolved by us.

This problem primarily affects the e-mail addresses offered by Apple with the endings and

If you enter an address from one of these providers in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv), you will receive a warning that points out the possible - or rather: probable - problems with delivery. You can check in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) settings page whether such a warning is displayed for your e-mail address.

This is how you can proceed:

  • Use the e-mail address anyway. You can use any email address you want in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv), including those from providers that are likely to have problems with delivery. In this case, however, you should pay close attention to whether you are actually receiving emails via the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) distribution list, e.g. by asking fellow students about emails that have been sent. If the e-mail delivery is successful despite the displayed warning, we would be pleased to receive re-enrolment.
  • Use a different email address. Especially if you have already noticed that there are problems with the delivery of emails to your mailbox, you should use a different email address in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv). We then recommend using the university e-mail address.

Sending mails to mailing lists

BIS offers a variety of mailing lists to which students can add their email addresses. These include course mailing lists ("all participants of a course"), degree programme mailing lists ("all students of a degree programme"), faculty mailing lists ("all students of a faculty") and many more. All mailing lists that address students are moderated in the respective Faculty. This list in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) shows which moderators in which Faculty are responsible for approving emails:

In addition to using the electronic mailing list(s), examination offices and teaching staff, instructors and lecturers also have the option of contacting students individually by email. There are two ways to do this:

Mail dispatch to your matriculation number
Teaching staff, selected faculty staff* with a special role (e.g. for allocating places in courses with restricted attendance) and examination offices can reach you by mail if you send them a message to your ''''. You will then receive an authorisation email as spam protection, which must be confirmed. Only then will the message be forwarded to your e-mail address currently entered in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv).

In this way, you can also change your email address at any time; all emails sent via the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) will be sent to the new address immediately.

Mail dispatch via your alias address
An alias address is generated for you in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv), which is random, does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about you personally and functions like a pseudonym for your personal address. You can see your current alias address in the electronic course catalogue ( ekvv) via the email settings; it is also displayed to teaching staff, instructors and lecturers as a contact option.

Hier finden Sie FAQs zu den Mailverteilern zur Ansprache von Studierenden:


If you would like to be notified immediately as soon as a new academic achievement has been booked for you in the BIS examination management system, you can set this up in the examination management system or in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv). You will then receive an email notification as soon as the examination office staff have booked the academic achievements reported by the teaching staff, instructors, lecturers for you. You will not receive any direct information about the academic achievements in the email, just a notification that there is a new academic achievement for you and a link to the examination management system.

You can find the settings for the notification function on the examination management home page or as a separate menu item under "my electronic course catalogue (ekvv)".

Enrolment dates

The ''My enrolment data'' page in eKVV and BIS examination management displays your personal details with which you are enrolled at the university, as well as a detailed list of enrolment data for all semesters.

It is important that you have any errors in this data corrected as soon as possible! See further information below.

Under "Enrolment data" the general information about your person is displayed, including your matriculation number and name as well as your address, telephone number, date and place of birth. Your current enrolment and student status can be found here. Much of this information will be included in your transcript of records when you complete your degree programme.

Under "Enrolments" you will find information on all your enrolments at Bielefeld University. The enrolments are listed in reverse chronological order. For each semester, you can see which subjects you were enrolled in, whether the respective subject was taken as a core/major subject ('''H''') or as a minor subject ('''N'''), as well as the respective subject-related semester. You can also see which student status you had in this semester (e.g. ''on leave of absence'' or ''re-enrolment'').

A thickened line is shown between enrolments that signify a change of subject (e.g. from Bachelor's to Master's) to make it easier to recognise these positions.

The enrolment data in the BIS applications can only be viewed by you and the examination offices. The examination offices need data such as date and place of birth to create transcript documents, address data to send you documents and enrolment information to assess the conditions for your degree.

Please ensure that the university always has your current contact details and that errors, e.g. in your name, are corrected as quickly as possible. The examination offices in particular are dependent on up-to-date and correct information, e.g. the '''name shown here goes directly into certificate documents!''' The contact for changes and corrections is the student office. You will also find corresponding information on the pages in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV) and BIS examination management.

As soon as the student office has made the changes, the corrected data will also appear in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) and the BIS examination management system on the following working day.

"Parental status"

Bielefeld University is certified as a family-friendly university and would like to be particularly accommodating to students with children when organising their everyday study life, especially when allocating places in courses with limited attendance (see also the FAQ on allocating places). If you have parenting or caring responsibilities, you can add this to your enrolment details. Please contact the student office (preferably directly with proof such as a birth certificate)

If the so-called "parental status" is stored for you in the system, this will be displayed in your enrolment data in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv).

Who can view the parental status?

In addition to the students themselves, the parental status can only be viewed by the "document managers" in the Faculties. This function refers to those employees who carry out place allocation procedures and can therefore view the attendance lists of all courses in a Faculty. The "Parents" attribute is not only displayed for document managers in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) (there on the student details page, which can be accessed, for example, by entering the matriculation number in the quick search window) but has also been included in the place allocation and displayed there, as described above.

If it is crucial for other employees in the Faculty to be informed about whether students are parents for the organisation of teaching, they should contact the respective document manager.


Degree programmes

Unter dem Menüpunkt "Studiengänge" finden Sie neben den Studiengängen, für die Sie eingeschrieben sind, auch die Möglichkeit, sich Studiengänge auszuwählen, für die Sie sich besonders interessieren. Diese Auswahl wirkt sich nicht auf Ihre Einschreibung aus, erleichtert aber die Nutzung des eKVV indem es Ihnen diese Studiengänge ebenso prominent anzeigt wie die, in die Sie eingeschrieben sind. Zusätzlich werden Sie über diese Auswahl den Mailverteilern dieser Studiengänge hinzugefügt.

Alumni contact details

If you apply for a degree certificate at the end of your studies, a long-term contact option is requested with the certificate application so that the university can contact you as a graduate (e.g. to invite you to the graduate day or to contact you for the graduate survey).

If you have entered such an "alumni address", it will be displayed in your settings in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) and can be edited later if necessary. Six months after exmatriculation, your matriculation access to the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) expires. If you still wish to change data or object to the use of your address data, you can do so at any time by sending an email to

Course evaluations

The University uses the survey and evaluation software EvaSys for surveys of the student body and for evaluations of courses. EvaSys is connected to the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) via interfaces. Under the menu item "My course evaluations" menu item the surveys that are still open are displayed. As soon as you have taken part in an evaluation, it is no longer shown in the list.

The university only uses EvaSys for surveys that are used as part of quality management and for the further development of the university. You will never find commercial or private surveys here. Please take the time to give your teaching staff, instructors, lecturers and/or the university your feedback if you see evaluations displayed here!


Codes for hire bikes

Together with moBiel, the university offers a bike hire service called "meinSiggi" bike sharing. Students can take advantage of special conditions if they identify themselves as authorised using a code.

You can find your code after registration in the students' electronic course catalogue (ekvv) in the left-hand side menu under the menu item "Bike rental code", or directly via this link. You can retrieve the code even more conveniently via the BIS app. Employees can access the page with the rental codes from the "My personal details" page in the PEVZ

The number combination displayed there is a personal code. It allows you to activate the special usage conditions in the app in which you create your own account. This can only be done once with each code, so you should keep it safe until you use it.

To use the "meinSiggi" bike hire service, you need the "meinSiggi App" from moBiel:

You enter your code once when registering in the app under "Account settings --> Link partner." There you will find an input window for the code of students and one for the code of staff, people with a job ticket.

This confirms your authorisation and you can use the special conditions as a "Vorteilskunde". For students, this applies as soon as you have paid the social fee for the current or next semester, which is also paid for the semester ticket. If you have paid the social fee for the next semester, you can only take advantage of the special conditions four weeks before the start of the semester. Until then, no code will be displayed. The validity period of your code is displayed below the code display.

If your code displayed in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) is not accepted, please first check whether you have entered the code in the app without any typing errors. In this case and for all other questions relating to registration, payments, repairs, incorrectly parked bikes and the like, nextbike customer service will be happy to help:

  • via the Siggi Bike-Sharing app under "Support"
  • Tel. (030) 69205046

Alternatively, moBiel's customer service can also help:

  • Tel. (05 21) 51-15 15
  • Jahnplatz 5, 33602 Bielefeld (Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 to 18:00, Saturday: 10:00 to 16:00)
  • Siggi page moBiel
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