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Campus support

BIS-accounts for students

Campus Support Map

Registration for students

Students at Bielefeld University register with all BIS services such as the eKVV and the BIS Examination Management, at the learning rooms and at the application and status portal of the Student Office using their Matriculation number and Web-password.

Matriculation number

Your matriculation number will be sent to you with your enrolment to the email addresses you entered during your application.

Alternatively, you will find your matriculation number - this is a 7- or 8-digit number - in the payment information for enrolment (in the control sheet for online enrolment). It can also be found on the front of your UniCard. There it is referred to as 'UniID'. Do not use the library number printed on the back or your 5-digit applicant number!

Forgotten password

If you do not yet or no longer know your web password, follow the link "Request new web password" on the login page and follow the instructions in the subsequent dialogue.

For an overview of which login data is used where, we recommend this help page.

I would like to change my password

If you know your password but would like to change it, please use this link: Change password

Problems with application login

As soon as you are enrolled and become a student at the university, you can no longer use the application login that you created yourself. From this moment on, you must use your student login (matriculation number and web password). You can also recognise the transition from application to student status when you receive the welcome email with your matriculation number.

If you at least know your matriculation number, you can use the password reset procedure described above: Password reset

The link to reset your password will be sent to the email address you used for your application login.

If you also no longer know your matriculation number, please contact the BITS user advice centre directly.

Guest account

If you will soon be studying at Bielefeld University but have not yet received your enrolment documents, it is possible to already create a timetable in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV) via a guest account . As soon as you have received your matriculation number and your initial password, you can change your guest account directly to your matriculation number. You can find out how to create a guest account and later change it to your matriculation number on this page.

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