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Campus support


Onboarding new employees

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Do you have questions about BIS applications that have not yet been answered here?

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For all campus management applications (e.g. eKVV, directory of staff and departments, Examination Management) and the connected services (e.g. learning platforms, survey and evaluation software EvaSys), the "BIS User Administration" is used, in which a "BIS Account" is created for all staff members. This allows seamless navigation back and forth between the various applications and ensures that fewer different accounts are required.

To make it as easy as possible for new employees to get their BIS approval, the following steps are necessary:

In order for employees to access the BIS applications, they must be registered in the PEVZ. This is the university's complete directory of staff, people and departments and displays the contact details and organizational affiliation of all university employees. The PEVZ is also the basis for BIS user management: only those who have an entry in the PEVZ can obtain BIS approval.

The PEVZ is maintained in the faculties and departments. If an entry is missing or incomplete, the colleagues responsible for maintenance must be contacted directly. You can find the appropriate contact person for each department by clicking on the link "Contact persons for correction requests" to the right of the department or person entry.

For a complete entry, a personal e-mail address and the correct date of birth are very important. The date of birth is never displayed publicly, but it is crucial for matching user administrations with each other. The mail address is first used for the delivery of the initial password, but it is also displayed externally and is part of the publicly visible contact details.

In order for teaching staff, instructors, lectures to be able to use the learning platforms "Lernraum" and "LernraumPlus" connected to the electronic course catalogue (eKVV), they also need the entry in PRISMA and their Uni.ID.

As a rule, the entry in PRISMA is made during the hiring process in the "Personnel and Organization" departmental council, during which the Uni.ID is created and later printed on the employee ID card.

For external employees (such as lecturers who are paid from other funds), an external approval can be created in PRISMA. For the central administration this is done by the service desk in BITS, in the faculties the IT supervisors are responsible for this.

As soon as new employees are registered in the PRISMA portal and have an Uni.ID (for employees who are also students, this is the Matriculation number), BIS and PRISMA synchronize automatically. During synchronization, a BIS user account is created in the background with the same user name as in PRISMA.

Normally, the BIS user account has already been created and is waiting to be "picked up". To ensure that the entire process runs as smoothly as possible, it is important that the PEVZ and PRISMA entries are created and that new employees do not start using their BIS accounts until they have done so. Only in this case the automatic creation of BIS accounts succeed and only then can self-service be used.

When new employees need their BIS user account, they use the BIS self-service. You can access it from the BIS login screen (regardless of the application) in the right-hand menu under the link "Neues Passwort anfordern".

Click here to go directly to the self-service

This is a process in several steps, where login name and start password are sent to the mail address entered in the PEVZ. As additional security the Uni.ID is requested.

The self-service cannot be used if there is no entry in the PEVZ for the employees concerned (yet), or if there is no personal mail address entered there that we need to send the password.

If the BIS does not yet know the Uni.ID, no BIS approval could be generated automatically. In this case, a corresponding note will be displayed in the self-service.

If you have a PEVZ entry and know the Uni.ID, but the self-service still fails, or if you have questions about your approval, please contact the BIS support directly.

Please indicate there if you have used the SelfService and if an error message was displayed to you.

Do not send your password to BIS Support under any circumstances!


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