The appointment function in the eKVV is a simple way to offer and edit the arrangement of consultation appointments online.
People offering appointments can create and publish one or more appointment series at once, from which individual appointments can then be booked directly.
This page explains the view of appointment providers on the appointment process. The function is available to all employees and supplements the possibility of editing one's own office hours in the PEVZ.
In addition to offering consultation appointments, you can also use the appointment function to create tickets for courses (which are then several appointments taking place at the same time that interested persons can book), or to assign groups. This special function is described in a separate sub-page, which you can find via the menu on the left.
Click here to go directly to the appointment page:
At first, this page is empty.
By default, you will not be notified when students book or cancel appointments. However, you can be notified by e-mail about every booking or cancellation. You will find the corresponding option in the eKVV settings under the item 'Benachrichtigungen' (notifications).
Every person registered in the PEVZ of the university can publish and manage their own appointment series in this way. The appointments can be booked by persons with BIS access. In addition, as an appointment provider, you can also enable the possibility of booking by persons without log-in.
Secretary's offices assigned to teaching staff in the PEVZ can create and manage appointment series for their teaching staff within the scope of their secretary's authorisation. With the special right to "make appointments", people are authorised to manage appointments for all people in the department and subordinate departments as well as for the department itself and its subordinate departments. This right, like the other BIS rights, must be explicitly requested: ‘Extended rights’.
Secretary's offices or people with the above-mentioned right will find a button in the top right-hand corner of the 'Meine Terminvereinbarung' page for 'Personenauswahl zur Terminvereinbarung' (Selecting people for appointments) with which they can select the person for whom they would like to edit an appointment series. Without such a selection, you will only find your own appointments on the "Meine Terminvereinbarung" page.
On the appointment page, you will see the button 'Neue Termine anlegen' (Create new appointments) at the top, which you can use to create new appointment slots. If you click on this link, you can create groups of appointments on the following page, so that you can, for example, create all the office hours offered in a semester in one go. The individual input fields have this meaning:
If you want to enter the appointments already but publish them later, you can set here how many days before the appointment the appointment booking will be released. This affects both individual and serial appointments:
If you are planning a larger event and are creating many appointments for it, but do not want them to be visible in advance, specify how many days before the event the appointments can be booked. If you want to plan a regularly scheduled office hour, you can control this via the delayed bookability that e.g. only the appointments for a fortnight are visible in advance.
If you want to restrict the booking of appointments to a certain group of people, e.g. only for staff of a certain department or for students of a faculty, you can use the designation of the "BIS mailing list" for this purpose (the corresponding information pages can be found here: The BIS Mail Distribution List) The check of which staff, people are in which group is used for the admission of the appointment booking in exactly the same way as for the delivery of mails. To restrict bookings to groups of people, enter the e-mail address of the group of people you want to reach in the corresponding field.
The rhythm in which you offer your appointments. For the weekly and fortnightly appointments, the day of the week results from the first date entered previously.
With the daily rhythm, you can easily create consulting hours on any day of the week. This never generates appointments on Saturdays or Sundays.
This setting is preset to '1' and only needs to be adjusted if several appointments are offered at the same time. This is not normally the case with normal consultation organisation. But it can make appointment creation much easier if the appointment function is used as a ticket allocation or to allocate resources such as seats in a room. Then the number of tickets that can be allocated at the same time is entered here.
The conceivable applications are manifold:
Further information on assigning groups or booking "tickets" can be found in a separate sub-page, accessible via the menu on the left.
Here you will find the opportunity to submit questions to the appointment bookers to be answered in advance. The creation of such a questionnaire is currently (November 21) still under construction. In the meantime, please contact BIS support if you would like to add a questionnaire to your appointments.
Here you define the form in which you offer your office hours. You can select one or more of the following options:
If you offer more than one format, students can choose the format they want when booking their appointment. Depending on whether you offer 'vor Ort' (on site) and/or 'online', the details of the room and/or the video conference are important.
If you select the 'findet Online' (takes place online) option, you can create a Zoom meeting directly from the appointment scheduling page. You can also enter a link to a meeting that has already been set up (details in the 'Videokonferenz Information’ (Video conference information) checkbox).
If you select the option 'findet per Telefon statt' (takes place by telephone), you will receive a link to your PEVZ entry with your telephone number.
You have the option of creating a zoom meeting directly from the appointment pages, which you use for the appointments. A corresponding input mask will be offered to you as soon as you select the option 'findet Online statt' (takes place online). Then you can either save the information for an existing video meeting at the appointment, or create and save a new meeting.
There you will also find a link to the help page that explains how to create Zoom Meetings. (You can also use other video conferencing tools.)
Please note that the information entered here will be entered in all generated appointments, so all appointment bookers will know the same meeting link. If you prefer to create a separate video conference for each appointment, you can also enter this later after booking an appointment.
When you have made your entries, have the preview of the appointments (‘Vorschau der Termine’) generated so that you can check whether the system has made what you had intended from your entries. If this is not the case, you can correct the settings via a corresponding button.
With the button 'Veröffentlichen' (Publish) you release the appointment and thus publish it in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV) and the staff and department search (PEVZ). However, you can still make settings after publication (e.g. release the booking without log-in), edit or delete appointments
As soon as appointments have been saved, they are visible in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV). There is a separate page in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) for each teaching staff member with the available appointments, which can be accessed, for example, from the teaching staff search via the link 'Termin vereinbaren' (Make an appointment).
This link only appears for staff who have already offered appointments in this way, but then regardless of whether there are currently bookable appointments or not. As soon as you have used the function for the first time, this link is also displayed in your personal page of the staff and department search (PEVZ). If you currently do not offer any appointments and do not want this link to be displayed, you can deactivate it on the 'Meine Terminvereinbarungen' (My appointments) page via the corresponding link in the middle of the page.
If you also add details of your office hours in the staff and department search (PEVZ), these will also be shown in your appointment overview in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV), so that both information can be found in one place if necessary. You should adjust your office hours if necessary so that there is no contradictory information.
By default, the page with the offered appointments is only accessible after logging in. In addition to students, staff members can also access these pages and make appointments. (In this way you can also test the function yourself by booking one of your own appointments.) External users can also use the function if they have been given the appropriate access. If you want to make the appointment booking accessible to people outside the university, you can release this after publishing the appointment series (see the corresponding paragraph below).
Only the dates that are still bookable, i.e. not already booked, are published in the appointment display. Appointments in the past are not displayed.
If you do not want to use the appointment function in the future, you can turn off the display of the corresponding links in the electronic course catalogue (ekvv) and in the staff and department search (PEVZ) by going to the page 'Meine Terminvereinbarungen' (My Appointments). If you do not have any appointments still taking place, a corresponding button will be displayed.
If you want to delete individual appointments or even entire days (e.g. Public Holidays) from the list, you can do so in the overview of all your appointments on the following page. There you will also find an option to change the room and description for individual dates as well as to enter further comments that are only visible to you. You could also store video conference information there afterwards if you do not want the same video conference link to be used for all appointments.
When generating new appointments, the system does not check whether they overlap with existing appointments. This makes it technically possible to offer several appointments at the same time, which can be useful for organising consulting hours, for example, where there are several persons to contact and thus more than one participant can come at the same time.
If you would like to assign one of your appointments yourself, you can do so directly in the appointment overview via the corresponding link. You enter the name and e-mail address of the person and can also note which topic is to be discussed.
If you want to send information to the person afterwards, e.g. the necessary information for a video conference appointment, use the mail symbol next to the appointment.
By default, the booking of appointments is only available to university members who use their BIS access for this purpose. However, you can also release the booking for people without a log-in, in order to offer appointments to external persons as well, as is useful, for example, when advising prospective students or during public consulting hours.
To do this, you will find the button 'Terminvereinbarung ohne Login aktivieren' (Activate appointments without login) under the series of appointments you have already published. If you have already used this function, the corresponding button is labelled accordingly ('Terminvereinbarung ohne Login deaktivieren.' (Deactivate appointment without login)).
On the page with all booked appointments, you will find a symbol to cancel the appointment at the right-hand side. If you confirm this, the booking will be cancelled directly and the participant will be notified by email. This mail is sent automatically without you being able to add your own comments. If you want to send a personal message by email about the cancellation, you should do this before the cancellation, because with the cancellation the person concerned (together with the contact details) disappears from the participation list and you may then no longer have access to the participants' address details.
A cancelled appointment is immediately marked as ‘free’ and can then be booked again by other participants (or the same participants).
You can also delete appointments completely, either individually, by day or as a series. You will find the relevant information directly under the list of appointments. In this way, you can make individual deletions after creating appointments or quickly clean up incorrectly created appointments and then create them again with the correct information if necessary.
Participants will also be notified in the event of a cancellation, as there is no difference for them between a cancellation and a deletion. However, a deleted appointment cannot, of course, be re-booked.
In order to keep an eye on your own appointment bookings, especially when booking appointments at short notice, for example in service areas, you can receive the booked appointments as calendar integration from the electronic course catalogue (eKVV).
Your appointments are then displayed in Outlook in a separate calendar, which you can integrate as an additional calendar.
Important to know: You cannot edit or cancel appointments via Outlook. Changes you make to these dates in Outlook are not reflected in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV) and do not reach the participants of your appointments.
To set up the calendar integration, you must complete the following steps once:
After activation, open the page with your personal calendar links, which you can reach via the corresponding link on the page mentioned under 1.
You will find the link to your calendar there via the 'iCalendar' button. When you click it, a page full of, at first sight, unreadable data opens. Your calendar in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV) is hidden in it.
To enable your Outlook calendar to process this information, copy the link in the address line of your browser, which should have this form:
As an employee, you can also book an appointment with a colleague or in a department. To do so, simply open the booking page of the agency offering the service. There you will see all the appointments that are still taking place, both free and already booked. Select a free date and click on the booking symbol at the right margin. You will then be taken to a page where you can describe the topic you would like to talk about and also create notes that are only visible to you. If the appointment provider offers different formats ('vor Ort' (on-site), 'online' (online), 'telefonisch' (telephone)), you will need to choose a format here.
If you really want to book the appointment, confirm this. Once confirmed, the appointment is booked in the system and also displayed as 'gebucht' (booked) to the appointment providers - the appointment thus 'belongs' to you, without any further confirmation by the appointment providers being necessary.