Documents to be submitted for enrolment/ change of degree program
First you apply for your enrolment online in the application and status portal. Directly afterwards, you can upload the documents as PDF files.
It is imperative that you observe the enrolment deadline stated in the admission notice! If you miss the enrolment deadline, the admission will lose its validity and the place will be reallocated.
Documents uploaded as part of the online application may have to be uploaded again for enrolment.
Important note: With the exception of medicine, enrolment in doctorate/Phd studies continues to take place via the enrolment wizard and not via a document upload.
As a rule, the high school diploma (all pages!). If you do not have a general or subject-specific university entrance qualification, then e.g. proof of a university degree. The Fachhochschulreife does not entitle the holder to study at Bielefeld University.
The proof of health insurance required for enrolment is provided via the new electronic student registration procedure of the statutory health insurance companies.
Please request the registration "M10" for Bielefeld University at the latest at the time of online enrolment from your statutory health insurance company; the sender number of Bielefeld University required for the registration procedure is H0000644. Your insurance confirmation will then be sent to us electronically.
As soon as the university has received confirmation of your health insurance, you will be informed of this via the application and status portal.
If you do not have statutory health insurance, please contact any German statutory health insurance company. In this case, too, an "M10" notification to the university is required, confirming that you are not covered by a statutory health insurance.
Paper health insurance certificates or insurance cards are not sufficient for enrolment.
Proof of health insurance is not required for enrolment in the phd, doctorate .
If applicable, proof of military or civilian service as an officially certified copy for degree programmes with restricted admission.
If applicable, language certificate (DSH, TestDaF, Sprachdiplom, etc.), provided that the university entrance qualification was acquired at a non-German-speaking faculty.
➥ More information on proof of language Admission requirements
If applicable, certificate of exmatriculation from the previous university in the case of previous university studies.
If applicable, placement certificate of the respective faculty.
➥ More information for application for a higher subject semester
If necessary, further information in the admission or access notice must be observed!
Students already enrolled at the University of Bielefeld
Further information on the transfer and the transition to the Master's program
You can submit these later. First upload all the documents you already have. Then select "Cache changes". You can submit documents for enrolment later on the overview page of your application. The next time you register in the university portal, you will find the "Submit documents for enrolment" button in the application overview. Only when you then select "Submit documents" will your documents be sent.
Don't panic! If you have realised after submitting your documents that you have forgotten to upload individual documents or have uploaded the wrong files and your application is therefore incomplete, you do not need to do anything for the time being. The student office will check your application and reopen the upload for you if any documents are missing or incorrect. You will be notified of this by email.
Die maximale Größe für PDF-Uploads beträgt 5 MB.
Adobe Online-Tool zum Zusammenfügen:
Im Idealfall wählen Sie eine informative Dateienbezeichnung, die sowohl ihren vollständigen Namen, als auch Informationen zum Inhalt der PDF enthält. Wenn Sie bereits an der Universität Bielefeld eingeschrieben sind, verwenden Sie gerne Ihre Matrikelnummer anstelle des Namens. Zum Beispiel: „Mustermensch-Alex_Abiturzeugnis.pdf“ oder „2118879_Transkript_BA-Zeugnis.pdf“
Solange Sie einen Bewerbungsantrag mit den Dokumenten noch nicht eingereicht haben, können Sie über die Auswahl „Antrag bearbeiten“ auf der Antrags-Übersichtsseite zurück an die entsprechende Stelle im Antrag springen und die hochgeladene Datei über das „X“ löschen und eine neue Datei hochladen.
Sobald Sie einen Bewerbungsantrag mit den entsprechenden hochgeladenen Dateien eingereicht haben, können Sie selbst keine Änderung mehr vornehmen. Kontaktieren Sie in diesem Fall das Studierendensekretariat mit Anlage der entsprechenden Datei.
Temporarily saved
The document has been uploaded and temporarily saved, but not yet submitted. A change (e.g. exchange of the file) is still possible.
Not uploaded
No document has been uploaded.
The document has been submitted and is now being checked. A change (e.g. exchange of the file) is no longer possible.
The document has been successfully checked.
The document is incorrect or insufficient. A corrected version can be uploaded.
Finally Rejected
The document is insufficient. For explanations, please refer to the status comment.
To be submitted additionally
Additional documents have to be submitted. For explanations, please refer to the status comment.
If you have submitted your enrolment application but have not yet paid your semester fees and do not wish to take up your studies, please send a short message via the contact form to the student office. After inputting some personal details you can indicate that you are withdrawing your enrolment in the message box. It is not possible to withdraw your enrolment application by telephone.
Here you can find further information on the theme of exmatriculation.
If you initially re-enrol, but then exmatriculate by 15 May at the latest in the summer semester or by 15 November at the latest in the winter semester then the social contribution can be reimbursed on a pro-rata basis if the following conditions are met:
The money for the NRW-Ticket will be proportionally reimbursed by the AStA from 1 April and 1 October respectively; therefore, please contact the AStA directly.
You can also find this information on the application form for exmatriculation, which you can download from the forms section of the Student Office.
If you have submitted your enrolment application but have not yet paid your semester fees and do not wish to take up your studies, please send a short message via the contact form to the Student Office. After inputting some personal details you can indicate that you are withdrawing your enrolment in the message box. It is not possible to withdraw your enrolment application by telephone.
No. All enrolment documents must be submitted on time and in full. Enrolments with incomplete document uploads will not be processed.
Please note the guidance on the documents to be submitted included in your notification of admission.
If the Bachelor's degree certificate is not yet available at the time of enrolment/transfer to the Master's programme, proof of passing the Bachelor's degree from the examination office (4.0 certificate, provisional proof of passing, etc.) is sufficient. In this case, the Bachelor's certificate (certified copy) must be submitted later in the current semester.