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SFB 1288

© Universität Bielefeld

Radio: SFB 1288 on Hertz 87.9

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It has been known as “SFB 1288 - The Collaborative Research Centre ‘Practices of Comparison’ on Hertz 87,9” since 4 June 2021. This is thanks to the cooperation between the SFB 1288 and the campus radio station Hertz 87,9. Hertz 87,9 journalists talk to researchers and other members of the SFB 1288 about practices of comparing. The format is broadcast on the programme “HertzWissen” – every first Friday of the month from 3 to 4 pm.

The Exhibition Series “Facing Each Other” (“miteinander gegenüber”), Kunsthalle Bielefeld

Logo Kunsthalle

The SFB 1288 cooperates with the Kunsthalle Bielefeld. In the series “Facing Each Other”, two works from different periods, genres and styles of art history are contrasted with a view to comparing their effect and meaning, to bringing their special features into the viewer’s field of vision and to stimulating comparative thought. The most recent encounter last autumn involved the artworks of Joseph Beuys and Andreas Greiner, both of which thematise trees and forests. Link.

Changing Academy

Logo Changing Academy

A new project was launched in SFB 1288: The “Changing Academy” is a space for exchange. Here, different social fields of communication work are addressed. It consists of thirteen communication actors from diverse social fields (culture, politics, business and science). The respective communication strategies and projects are presented and discussed among members of the group at regular meetings. The range of perspectives and expertise thus allows for an open discussion space in which communication strategies are not only presented in the sense of “best practice”, but are also reflected upon with regard to methods, target groups and media.

Practices of Comparing in Sport: Science meets Football

Logo DSC Arminia

Practices of Comparing are not only limited to science. They occur everywhere in everyday life – also in football: Are there limits to comparisons in football? Which qualities of players slip through comparative grids? Where do data have their limits? How has comparison evolved over the years, for example in scouting? Prof. Dr. Tobias Werron, sociologist from SFB1288, and Finn Holsing, head of the youth development centre at Arminia Bielefeld, discuss these questions. The discussion results in a video focusing on a broader target group in society, science and sport.

Center for Uncertainty Studies (CeUS)

CeUS is a knowledge platform for the development of inter- and transdisciplinary "Uncertainty Studies" at Bielefeld University. CeUS documents, connects and presents not only research on "Uncertainty" but also knowledge on this topic in general. It creates a platform for faculties, institutes and research networks that touch the field of Uncertainty Research and offers new opportunities especially for young academics. In addition to the expansion of existing research foci, new, innovative research ideas are developed.

International Cooperation

From an historical perspective, studies of practices of comparing is a highly regarded international subject area of research that has received a great deal of international resonance. Productive cooperation arose from this in the preliminary work for the SFB application. The basis of this is the common interest in combining history with theoretical questions within an interdisciplinary research context.

Wesleyan University/USA
Università di Bologna/Italien
Université Paris VII/Frankreich
University of Notre Dame/USA

Mercator Fellows

Internationally renowned researchers shall be invited to an extended stay in Bielefeld to facilitate a particularly in-depth cooperation.

2017: Prof. Andrea Frisch (University of Maryland/USA)
2018: Prof. Gary Shaw (Wesleyan University/USA)
2019: Dr. Franz Mauelshagen
2023: Prof. Theodore Schatzki (University of Kentucky/USA, and Lancaster University/UK)
2023: Prof. Emanuel Adler (University of Toronto/Canada)


Virtual Faculty

A Virtual Faculty shall be established within the SFB 1288 aimed at enhancing international and national networking. This faculty is scheduled to convene at regular intervals to advise and support the SFB 1288.

The members of the Virtual Faculty are:

Julia Adeney Thomas (University of Notre Dame, South Bend)
Paolo Capuzzo (Università di Bologna)
Wendy Espeland (Northwestern University, Chicago)
Peter Geimer (FU Berlin)
Odile Goerg (Paris-Diderot)
Bettina Heintz (Luzern)
Dorothee Kimmich (Universität Tübingen)
Ulrike Lindner (Universität zu Köln)
Nina Mackert (Universität Erfurt)
Alexander Martin (University of Notre Dame, South Bend)
Gary Shaw (Wesleyan University, Middletown)
Peer Vries (Internationales Institut für Sozialgeschichte, Amsterdam)

Summer Schools

2018: “Summer of Theory” – Summer School in cooperation with Wesleyan University (Flyer)

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