The Medical Assistance Systems working group focuses on the user-centred design, development and evaluation of intelligent medical assistance systems for diagnostics, therapy, rehabilitation, care support and decision support for doctors. The intelligent assistance systems used range from motivating and therapy-accompanying apps to decision support systems and interactive agents for therapy support through to embodied robots.
Research is focussed on various areas. One of these is dialogues between agents and humans, with research here focusing on adapting to the human interaction partner by monitoring and directing their attention through verbal cues. Another focus is the examination of social, comprehensible artificial intelligence. When interacting with AI, people without in-depth knowledge of AI need explanations that are tailored to their individual needs. With TRR 318 "Constructing Explainability", we are developing approaches to take the specific needs of users into account. The third focus is system development related to stakeholder empowerment. The WG develops systems that are not only resilient, but can also be used and configured by non-experts by enabling users to program the behaviour of robots or agents according to the requirements of their application. Relevant stakeholders are involved in the process.