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Staff in the Research Groups

Ethics of Medicine

Ethics of Medicine

The following people are currently employed in the research group Ethics of Medicine:

Professorship for Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine

Academic Employees

  • Jan Schnalke
  • Sandra Löhr


  • Nora Hesse
  • Gesa Tefett



History of Philosophy

The following people are currently employed in the research group Philosophy of History:

Professorship for the History of Philosophy

Academic Employees


  • Fynn Niklas Lichtenberg, B.A. (Student Assistant)


History and Philosophy of Medicine

The following people are currently employed in the research group History and Philosophy of Science of Medicine:

Professorship for History and Philosophy of Medicine

Academic Employees

  • Friedrich Kleffmann (MPhil)
  • Gina Maria Klein
  • Dr. Sybilla Nikolow
  • Simon Brausch (PhD student)
  • Nele Röttger
  • Hanna Lucia Worliczek



The working area has been under construction since September 2022 - Further information will follow!


Didactics of Philosophy

The following people are currently employed in the research group Didactics of Philosophy:

Academic Employees


  • Jennifer Schütte (Student Assistant)

Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law

The following people are currently employed in the research group Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law:

Professorship of Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law

Academic Employees


  • Alexander Scholten-Luchsen (Student Assistant)


Practical Philosophy

The following people are currently employed in the research group Practical Philosophy:

Professorship for Practical Philosophy

Academic Employees

Associated Department Members

Associated PhD Students


  • Kai Yakoubou Pfeiffer (Student Assistant)

Theoretical Philosophy

The following people are currently employed in the research group Theoretical Philosophy:

Professorship for Theoretical Philosophy

Academic Employees




Philosophy of science

The following people are currently employed in the research group Philosophy of Science:

Professorship for Philosophy of Science:

Junior Professorship

Academic Employees

Department Staff (alphabetical)

Ananiev, Dmitry 
Practical Philosophy
Behrens, Singa
Practical Philosophy
van den Bos, Marlene
Philosophy of Science
Bowker, Mark
Theoretical Philosophy
Brausch, Simon
Brouër, Moritz
Carrier, Prof. Dr. Martin
Philosophy of Science
Dänzer, Lars
Theoretical Philosophy
Dufner, Prof. Dr. Annette
Practical Philosophy, Medicine
Eickhoff, Niklar
Theoretical Philosophy
Eimann, Annika
Student Assistent
Elliott-Graves, Alkistis
Philosophy of Science
Eisner, Maximilian
Student Assistant
Flüß, Philipp
Frühstückl, Robert
Philosophy of Science (GRK)
Gartzlaff, Minea
Philosophy of Science
Golus, Dr. Kinga
Didactics of Philosophy
Gostmann, Inga
Student Assistant
Haueis, Dr. Philipp
Philosophy of Science
Höhl, Anna Elisabeth
Philosophy of Science
Honnef, Björn
Didactics of Philosophy
Hörmann, Henrik 
Philosophy of Science
Hundertmark, Dr. Fabian
Philosophy of Science
Kaiser, Prof. Dr. Marie I.
Philosophy of Science
Kertels, Marcel
Theoretical Philosophy
Keuck, Prof. Dr. Lara
Philosophy of Science, Medicine
Kiesewetter, Prof. Dr. Benjamin
Practical Philosophie
Killin, Anton
Philosophy of Science
Kipke, Roland
Practical Philosophy
Kleffmann, Friedrich
Student Assistant
Klein, Gina
History and Philosophy of Medicine
Koch, Steffen
Theoretical Philosophy
Lambert, David
Philosophy of Science
Lemmens, Jana
Student Assistant
Lifke, Milla
Philosophy of Science
Löhr, Sandra
Ethics of Medicine
Lucchetti, Michele
Magđinski, Dijana
Philosophy of Science
Mertens, Dr. Rebecca
Philosophy of Science
Metzen, Hanna
Philosophy of Science
Meyer zu Knolle, Marius 
Practical Philosophy
Moldenhauer, Jovana 
Team Assistant

Morrow, Katherine
Philosophy of Science

Müller, Luca
Student Assistant
Myhub, Basel
Philosophy of Science
Nikolow, Dr. Sybilla
History and Philosophy of Medicine
Nimtz, Prof. Dr. Christian
Theoretical Philosophy
Novak, Vitalij
Student Assistant
Pfeiffer, Kai
Student Assistant
Prieto, Guido I.
Philosophy of Science
Raimondi, Andrea 
Theoretical Philosophy
Rehm, Prof. Dr. Michaela
History of Philosophy
Röttger, Nele
History and Philosophy of Medicine
Saalfrank, Miriam
Student Assistant
Schilling, Eike Inga
Secretary Office
Schlothfeldt, PD Dr. Stephan
Practical Philosophy
Schnalke, Jan
Ethics of Medicine
Schneck, Dr. Ariane
History of Philosophy
Schütte, Jennifer
Student Assistant
Shahinitiran, Jalal
Student Assistant

Stöllger, David
Philosophy of Science

Stracke, Jennifer
Student Assistant
Tacke, Sarah
Student Assistant
Tefett, Gesa
Student Assistant
Thenen, Raphaela
Theoretical Philosophy
Thomas, Audrey
IT Assistant
Tishler, Zoe
Student Advisor
Tzschacksch, Helena
Student Assistant
Ward, Shane 
Praktische Philosophie
von Wedelstaedt, Dr. Almut
Academic Management, Quality Management
Welpinghus, Dr. Anna
Quality Management
Wegener, Marie
Practical Philosophy
Wille, Leonie
Worliczek, Hanna Lucia
History and Philosophy of Medicine
Zanetti, Prof. Dr. Véronique
Political Philosophy
Zielinski, Neele
Student Assistant
Zisman, Valerij
Practical Philosophy

Doctoral Students





Biermann, Philippe Projekt zu Evolutionary Epistemology Nimtz


Brausch, Simon Assessing Certainty without Certainty. On the Use of Technical Tools for Assessing the Methodological Quality of Biomedical Research Data and its Role in the Emergence of Scientific Dissent Keuck Mail
Donzelli, Silvia Formen der Komplizenschaft Zanetti Mail
Ethen-​Peters, Lisa Christine "Die Patientenverfügung und der autonome Patient. Autonomie im Spannungsfeld von Anwendung und Begründung Stoecker Mail
Gartzlaff, Minea "Strategies to combine practical usefulness and epistemic merit of research in the life sciences" Carrier Mail
Geske, Jonas Projekt zu gerechten Arbeitsstruktuten im Kontext der Digitalisierung Schlothfeldt Mail
Kertels, Marcel Projekt zu Indicative Coditionals Nimtz Mail
Kotalík, Dorothea "Autonomie am Lebensende. Eine (medizin)ethische Herausforderung" Stoecker Mail
Lifke, Milla "How theory has a life of its own: practices of fundamental theoretical physics between experiment and mathematics." Carrier Mail
Magdinski, Dijana "Philosophy of Science at the Intersection of the Priority Rule, Replicability and Scientific Novelty" Menke Mail
Myhub, Basel "Identifying Strategies for Practically Useful and Epistemically Sound Research in Chemistry" Carrier Mail
Nissel, Tim Niklas "Verantwortung für ungerechte Arbeitsbedingungen" Zanetti Mail
Schepers, Gesine "Gründe für Naturschutz. Naturethik, Naturästhetik, Naturerfahrung" (Arbeitstitel) Bittner Mail
Wegener, Marie tba tba tba

Guests and Associates

Andrade, Lucas
Practical Philosophy
Frank, Prof. Dr. Manfred
dauerhaufter Gast
Herrmann, Martina
Practical Philosophy

Iorio, Prof. Dr. Marco
Praktische Philosophie

Kipke, Dr. Roland
Vertretung der Professur für praktische Philosophie

Lenhard, PD Dr. Johannes

Schulte, PD Dr. Peter
Theoretische Philosophie

Wilholt, Prof. Dr. Torsten
dauerhafter Gast

Emeriti and Retired Professors

Beckermann, Prof. Dr. Ansgar
Office: Building X, A4-103, Tel.: 106 3230

Bittner, Prof. Dr. Rüdiger
Office: Building X, A4-103, Tel.: 106 3230

Frese, Prof. Dr. Jürgen

von Savigny, Prof. Dr. Eike
Auf der Hufe 23, 33613 Bielefeld

Stoecker, Prof. Dr. Ralf
Office: Building X, A4-103, Tel.: 106 3230

Wolff, Prof. Dr. Michael
Office: Building X, A4-103, Tel.: 106 - 3230

Until recently at the department

Agbih, Sylvia
Practical Philosophy

Altehenger, Hannah

Biermann, Philippe
Theoretical Philosophy
Hollnaicher, Simon
Philosophy of Science (GRK)
Ruiz, María Ferreira
Philosophy of Science
Röttger, Nele
Practical Philosophy
Suárez, Javier
Philosophy of Science
Thompson, Morgan
Philosophy of Science
Tollon, Fabio
Philosophy of Science
Trappes, Rose
Philosophy of Science
Wiemeyer, Leonie
Coordinator of the GRK
Yasar, Ali
Theoretical Philosophy und Philosophy of Science
Yu, Li-An
Philosophy of Science
Zakkou, Julia
Theoretical Philosophy
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